Diagnosis of Viral Infections Flashcards
risk group 1
no or low individual and community risk
ex. adeno-associated virus
risk group 2
moderate individual risk, low community risk; risk of spread of infection limited
ex. herpes viruses, foot-and-mouth disease
risk group 3
high individual risk, low community risk; doesn’t ordinarily spread from one infected individual to another; effective tx available
ex. HIV, hepatitis B, hantaviruses
risk group 4
high individual and community risk; effective tx and preventative measure not usually available
ex. Lassa fever, smallpox, influenza
What requirements exist for BSL-4 labs?
- positively air pressured suit
- negative air pressure in lab room
- HEPA filtered air
- double autoclave
- suit decontamination shower
What risk group is handled at BSL4 labs?
risk group 4 (E.g. Ebola)
biological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms
containment principles, technologies and practices that are implemented to prevent the unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their accidental release
very small droplets of fluid that can spread via air
biosafety cabinets (BSC)
enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safely working with materials contaminated with pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level
protection, control and accountability for valuable biological materials within labs, in order to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release
successful detection of viruses from a sample depends on:
- collection of sample from right site
- at right time
- from most appropriate animal
- proper transport and storage of sample
- performing correct diagnostic test
- proper interpretation of results
When is the chance of viral recovery best?
during first 3 days after onset; greatly reduced beyond 5 days
When should blood samples be collected for serological tests?
one during acute phase of illness and one during convalescence period (10-14 days after 1st)
When should specimens for PCR be collected?
during early part of the illness
Where should samples be collected for respiratory and ocular disease?
live: nasal and conjunctival swabs, blood
postmortem: tissues from affected system, lymph nodes
Where should samples be collected for skin disease and lesions of mucous membranes?
live: scrapings of lesion, swab affected area, blood
postmortem: tisues from affected system, LN
Where should samples be collected for gastroenteritis?
live: feces, blood
postmortem: tissues from affected system, LN, intestinal contents
Where should samples be collected for systemic disease ?
live: blood, nasal and urogenital swabs, feces
postmortem: tissues from various organs
Where should samples be collected for CNS disease?
live: blood, CSF, feces, nasal and urogenital swabs
postmortem: tissues from affected system, LN
Where should samples be collected for disease of urinary tract ?
live: urogenital swab, urine, blood
postmortem: tissues from affected system, LN
Where should samples be collected for abortion?
live: blood from dam, vaginal mucus
postmortem: tissues from placenta and fetus; blood from fetal heart; intestinal contents
How much blood should be sampled for serological testing?
10-20 mL for large animals and 5-10 mL for small animals
*clotted sample for serology and sample with anticoagulant for other tests
Should you freeze samples?
NO refrigerate at 2-8 C; if they have to be frozen, freeze rapidly at -20 C or - 70C
T/F specimens for histo examination should never be frozen
How should histo samples be fixed?
10% buffered fomalin or fixatives