Diagnosis of HIV pts Flashcards
What are the cells that HIV can hide out in?
Memory CD4+ T cells
What indicates that transition from HIV to AIDS?
CD4 less than 200
AIDS indicator disease
What happens to the viral load with HIV infection? How does CD4 count relate to this?
Peaks initially, then drops to a “set point”
CD4 count is the inverse of this
How well does the viral load correlate to the progression of HIV to AIDS
Correlates well
What is the viral cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma? What are the s/sx of this?
erythematous macules on the posterior oropharynx
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to pneumocystis?
Less than 200
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to toxoplasmosis?
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to Cryptococcosis?
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to Kaposi’s sarcoma?
Over 400
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to MAC?
Less than 50
At what CD4 count are AIDS pts susceptible to CMV?
Less than 50
What is the prophylaxis for toxoplasmosis?
What is the source of MAC?
Water sources
Does recurrent bouts of pyogenic pneumonia diagnose you with AIDS?
What is the cause of hairy tongue leukoplakia?
EBV caused growth that does not scrape away
What has happened to the incidence and prevalence of HIV?
- Incidence lower
- Prevalence growing (people living longer)
In what high risk group is HIV incidence increasing? Which is declining?
IVDA is going down
What is the current strategy to target MSM population to prevent AIDS?
Preexposure prophylaxis
What ethnicity have the highest prevalence of HIV?
African Americans
What percent of people with HIV are unaware they have it? What percent of new infections are caused by people who don’t know they have it?
20% ish don’t know
50% of new infections from people who do not know they have it
What is the percentage of CD4 that is diagnostic of AIDS? What does this mean?
Less than 14%
This means that less than 14% of T cells are of the CD4 variety (the remainder being CD8)
What percent of newly diagnosed HIV have a strain that is resistant to ART?
What are the first s/sx of HIV with initial infection?
Mono-like ssx
-Pharyngitis, rash, HA
What percent of patients with an EBV infection present with a rash?
Less than 5%
What percent of patients with initial HIV infection have aseptic meningitis?
What percent of patients with an initial HIV Infection present with oral ulcers?
What percent of patients with an initial HIV Infection present with genital ulcers?
What is the viral markers followed for initial HIV infection?
p24 antigen
What is the first, second, and third rise in markers for HIV?
- HIV RNA first
- p24 antigen
- HIV ab last
Why does p24 antigen decline when HIV ab rise?
HIV ab binds to p24
How long can HIV-1 RNA be detected before the detection of HIV ab?
1-3 weeks
Do HIV antibodies assays detect HIV-1 or HIV 2?
True or false: HIV antibody/antigen testing, if positive, needs to be followed up by a second test.
What is the gold standard for diagnosing HIV?
ELISA (99.7% sensitive, 99.9% specific)
How sensitive/specific are the rapid tests for HIV?
Very, both above 99.5%
What is the confirmatory tests for HIV?
-Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2
If the reactive HIV ag/ab test is positive, and the multispot confirmatory test is negative, what is the next step in diagnosis?
HIV-1 nucleic acid testing
What is the sequence of HIV testing?
- HIV ab/ag screen
- Multispot
- HIV1 nucleic acid testing if multispot is negative