Diabetic Retinopathy Flashcards
- increases retinal blood flow and abnormal metabolism in the retinal vessel walls
=> damage to endothelial cells and pericytes
Endothelial dysfunction leads to increased vascular permeability => exudates
Pericyte dysfunction predisposes to the formation of microaneurysms
- caused by production of growth factors in response to retinal ischaemia
3 classifications of diabetic retinopathy
non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)
proliferative retinopathy (PDR)
Describe the difference between Mild->Mod->Severe NPDR
- 1 microaneurysm
Moderate NPDR
- microaneurysms
- blot haemorrhages
- hard exudates
- cotton wool spots
- venous beading/looping
Severe NPDR
- blot haemorrhages and microaneurysms IN ALL QUADRANTS
- venous beading in at least 2 quadrants
- intraretinal microvascular abnormalities in at least 1 quadrant
Common features of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
retinal neovascularisation - may lead to vitrous haemorrhage
fibrous tissue forming anterior to retinal disc
Is proliferative diabetic retinopathy more common in T1DM or T2DM?
Describe the features of maculopathy in diabetic retinopathy
hard exudates and other changes on macula
Is maculopathy more common in T1 or T2DM?
Common management of all patients with diabetic retinopathy
- better BM and BP control
- lipid control
- regular review by ophthalmology
Tx of NPDR
- regular observation
- if severe consider panretinal laser photocoagulation
Tx of maculopathy
if change in visual acuity then
intravitreal VEGF INHIBITORS
Tx of proliferative DR
- panretinal laser photocoagulation
- intravitreal VEGF inhibitors
if severe or vitreous haemorrhage
=> vitreoretinal surgery
Complications of panretinal laser photocoagulation
- reduction in visual fields due to the scarring of peripheral retinal tissue
- decrease in night vision (rods = responsible for night vision and majority are located in the peripheral retina)
- generalised decrease in visual acuity and macular oedema