Diabetic Foot Charcot Neuropathy Flashcards
What is Charcot foot?
What does charcot foot lead too?
- Destruction of joints and surrounding bony structures
- May require Amputation if left untreated

What is the epidemiology of Charcot foot?
- 0.1-1.4% of pt w diabetes
- 7.5% with diabetes and neuropathy
- Presents type 1 DM age 5th decade ( 20yrs from DX)
- Present type 2 - in 6th decade ( 5-10 yrs from DX)
Foot and ankle
- 9-35% bilateral disease
- Shoulder and elbow
- knee

Which joints does Charcot effect?
- Foot and ankle 9-35% have bilat disease
- Shoulder and elbow
- Knee -> ligamentous laxity

What are the risk factors for Charcot ?
- **Diabetic Neuropathy **
- xs ETOH
- Leprosy
- Myelomeningogcele
- Tabes Dorsalis/Syphilis
- Syringomyelia
What is the pathophysiology of Charcot?
- insensate joint subjected to REPETITIVE MICRO TRAUMA
- body unable to adopt mechanism to protect due to abnormal sensation
- autonomic dysfunction increases blood flow thru Av shunting -> bone absorption and weakness
- lead to increased production of transcription factorKB, rank/rankl/opg triad pathway
Do you know any classifications?
- Stage O= Joint oedema, radiographs are negative, bone scan positive in all stages
Stage 1 FRAGMENTATION= Joint oedema
- radiographs= osseous fragementation with joint dislocation - see pic
- decrease bone oedema
- xray- coalescence of fragments and absorption of bone debris
- no local oedema
- xray- consolidation & remodelling of fracture fragments

What are the PC of someone with a charcot joint?
- Swollen foot and ankle
- PAIN 50%,
- Loss of function
What do you find on examination?
- Acute
- Swollen
- Warm
- Erytherma- decrease with elevation cf infection
- Chronic
- Structurally deformed foot
- rocker bottom deformity- see pic
- pes planus
- bony prominence
- Lack of sensation- semmes- weinstein testing

What do you see on X-rays ?
- Acute- degenerative changes may mimic OA
- obliterated joint space
- Fragmentation of bony surface-> subluxation/dislocation
- scattered bone in soft tissue swelling
Are bone scans helpful in charot ?
- Yes to identify presence of superimposed osteomyelitis
- Technetium- maybe positve for neuropathic joint and osteomyelitis
- Indium wc- cold neuropathic but hot for osteomyelitis
Are MRI scans helpful?
- Yes identify abscess from soft tissue swelling
Are biopsy useful in charot joints?
What investigations are also helpful?
- Yes
- Can guide antibiotic tx in cases of osteomyelitis or soft tissue abscess
- FBC/ESR- both elevated in infection/Charcot arthropathy
What are the tx options for charcot arthropathy?
- TOTAL CONTACT CASTING- Cast changed 2-4 wks for 2-4 months
- Orthotics- charcot restraint walker boot used after contact casting
- SHOE WEAR MODIFICATIONS- double rocker reduce risk of ulceration
- Medication- bisphosphonates, topical anaesthetics, antidepressants
- Outcomes 75% success rate
Resection of bony prominence (exostectomy) & TAL
- Braceable foot w equinus deformity + focal bony prominenece= skin breakdown
- Joint stability good
- Aim achieve a plantigrade foot that allows ambulation
Arthrodesis and osteotomies
- severe defoemities, unstable joints that are non braceble
- v high complx rate 70%
- failed surgery, infection
- goal is partial/limited amputation if vascularity allows

Describe the surgical technique for arthrodesis in charcot foot?
Fixation technique
- Screws/plates & tibiocalcaneal nail
- ex fix - bone quality poor
- post op minimal weight bear 3 months
High complication rate up tp 70%
- Infection
- hardwear malposition
- recurrent ulceration
- fracture
What is epidemiology of diabetic foot ulcers?
- 12% of diabetics have foot ulcers
- most common medical complication causing diabetics to seek medical attention
- Responsible for 85% of lower extremity amputations
What are the risk factors fo diabetic foot ulcers?
What are the varibles predictive of poor healing in daibetic foot ulcers?
- Factors associated with decreased healing potential
- Uncontrolled Hyperglycaemia
- inability to offload the affected area
- poor circulation
- infection
- poor nutrition
Name the factors associated with increased healing potential?
- Serum albumin >3.0g/L
- Total lymphoycte count >1,500/mm3
What are the varibles predictive of poor healing in daibetic foot ulcers?
- Transcutanous o2 pressure <20mmHg
- Ankle brachial pressure index <0.45
- Albumin <3.0g/L
- Total lyphocytes <1,500/mm3
What is the pathophysiology of diabetic foot ulcers?

- largest effect
- sensory dysfunction-> lack of protective sensation-> ulcer
- autonomic dysfunction-> drying of skin due to lack of normal glandular function
- increased mechanical & axial stress on skin more prone to injury due to drying
- Iesser effect than neuropathy
- >60% of diabetic ulcers have decreased blood flow due to peripheral vascular disease
Name any associated conditions of diabetic foot neuropathy?
- Infection/Osteomyelitis
- High rates of osteomyelitis 67% if bone is probed or exposed at base of ulcer
- Usually polymicrobal
- gram positive- aerobic gram positive cocci- s. aureus- STAPH AUREUS
- gram negative- found in chronic wounds
- Anerobes- obligate pathogens with ischaemia/gangrene
Can you name and decribe a classification system of diabetic foot ulcers?
- Wagner
Grade 0 - skin intact but bony deformities leads to foot at risk
- shoe modification with serial exams
Grade 1- superificial ulcer
- office debridment and contact casting
Grade 2- deeper , full thickness extension
- Operative formal debridment and contact casting
Grade 3- Deep abscess formation/oseomyelitis
- Operative formal debridment & contact casting
Grade 4- Partial Gangrene of forefoot
- Local vs larger amputation
Grade 5- Extensive gangrene
- Amputation
What are the symptoms and signs of diabetic foot ulcer?
- Often painless- unable to feel Semmes- weinstein monofilament 5.07
- Depth of ulcer- probe
- presence of infection- cellulitis, pus, gangrene
- excess achilles tendon tightness- exacerbate ulcers by fixed plantarlexion
- Silverskold test-
- improved ankle dorsiflexion with knee flexion= Gastronemius tightness
- equivalent ankle dorsiflexion wiht knee flexion/extension = achilles tight
- Acess circulation
What studies may add you in daignosis of diabetic foot ulcer?
- If no peripheral pulses
Transcutanous oxygen pressure TcpO2
- consider gold standard to assess wound healing potential
- >30mmHG or 40mmhg is good sign healing
- calcification in vessels-> inaccurate reading
- elevates the ABI due to decreased compliance of calcifiec vessels
- index of 0.45 & toe pressure >40mmHg are needed to heal an ulcer
What imaging may be of assisting in diabetic foot ulcers?
- Xrays
- AP, lateral , oblique of foot and ankle
- best in differentiatinb abscess from soft tissue swelling
- difficult to differentiate infection from Charcot arthropathy on MRI
- Bone Scan
- Tc99m
- useful to ddx soft tissue, infection and charcot arthopathy
What is the tx of diabetic foot ulcers?
Factors to consider-
- angiopathic vs neuropathic
- Deep vs superifical
- osteomyelitis
- pyarthrosis
Non operative
Shoe modification
- Deep wide shoes, custom insoles, rocker bottom soles ( reduced plantar pressure on foot)
Wound care
- provide moist environment, absorb excudate, act as barrier, off load pressure on ulcer
Total Contact Casting
- Gold standard for mechanical relief plantar ulceration
- CI= infection, marginal arterial supply to area, pt unbel to comply / tolerate cast
- ulcers reoccur 3-4 weeks post cast removal
- Antibiotics tailored to bone biopsy culture results if osteomyelitis
Surgical debridment, antibiotics , local wound care, total contact casting
- grade 3 or > undergo I&D w antibiotic tx before casting
- TTC for 4 months then charcot retraint walker then custom shoe.
Osteotomy +/- TAL
- bony prominence -> internal pressure
Partial Calcanectomy +/- TAL
- Large heel ulcers w assoc calcaneal Ostemyelitis
- preserves limb length & decrease morbdity cf higher level amputations
Syme amputation
- I= forefoot gangrene & palpable post tibial artery pulse
What does a syme amputation include?
- Ankle disarticulation
- removal of malleoli
- anchoring heel pad to weight bearing surface- must have a viable heel pad- branches of posteriot tibial artery= NB important palpable POST TIBIAL PULSE