Diabetic Emergencies & Complications Flashcards
What are the hypoglycemia levels by age ?
- Ages 0-5 < 100
- Ages 6-12 <80
- Ages 13+ <70
What is the Tx for mild-moderate hypoglycemia ?
rule of 15
- 15g simple (fast acting) carb
- recheck glucose 15 mins after
- repeat if glucose is under for age
- contact HCP if no improvement after 2-3 doses
What are examples of fast-acting Carbs ?
- 5 lifesavers
- 4 starburst
- air head
- 15 skittles
- 1/2 c apple juice
What are examples of starchy (complex) Carbs ?
all contain protein which helps maintain the glucose over time
- 1 c milk
- 1/2 c chocolate milk
- 1 slice bread w/ peanut butter
What is Tx for Hypoglycemia for adults in a hospital ?
50% Dextrose IV push
- Glucagon if pt is unable to swallow and no IV access
What are the S&S of DKA ?
typically occurs in Type 1 DM
- Kussmaul’s respirations
- mental status changes
- Hyperkalemia (no insulin to draw the K into the cells)
- urinating a lot
- unquenchable thirst
- sunken eyes
- tachycardia
- orthostatic hypotension
- weak pulse
- ketonuria
Tx for DKA ?
- rapid assessment
- O2/Respiratory support
- cardiac monitor
- obtain IV access and labs
- fluid resuscitation (0.9% NS)
- regular Insulin drip
What med is good for nerve pain ?
What are S&S of neuropathy ?
- decreased sensation
- burning/tingling pain
What are some Macrovascular complications from DM ?
- cardiovascular
- cerebrovascular
- peripheral vascular
What are some Microvascular complications from DM ?
- retinopathy
- nephropathy
- neuropathy
What is the leading cause of kidney disease ?
What causes nephropathy ?
damage to small vessels that perfuse the glomeruli
What causes retinopathy ?
micro-hemorrhages and aneurysm affect the retinas & ultimately the macula
- more prone to cataracts & glaucoma
What are some precipitating factors for DKA ?
- illness
- infection
- inadequate insulin dosage
- undiagnosed Type 1 DM
- poor self management
- neglect
What is the progressive deterioration of DKA ?
dehydration then electrolyte imbalance and then acidosis
What are some precipitating factors in Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome (HHS) ?
- UTIs, pneumonia, sepsis
- acute illness
- not taking medications as ordered
- newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes