Diabetes in a child Flashcards
GP sees Sam who is 25kg and 8 years old. He presents with polyuria and polydipsia. His urine dipstick is +ve for ketones and glucose and his BM is 35mmol/L. What is the immediate management?
Send to paediatric A&E for treatment of diabetic ketoacidsis. No further investigations are required.
What is the first line of action for treating diabetic acidosis in a child who is hypotensive, tachycardic and has delayed capillary refill (3sec)?
Treat for SHOCK first.
- Give a fluid bolus of 20ml/kg* over an hour
- Monitor vital signs for improvement
- If no improvement, give another fluid bolus
- Monitor vital signs again
This is new protocol - used to be calculated by weight but a study showed that giving this much to all children was safe and did not cause cerebral oedema.
Once the child has been treated for shock successfully, what is done to manage diabetic ketoacidosis?
Work out the maintenance fluids:
- 100ml/kg for the first 10kg
- 50ml/kg for the next 10kg
- 20ml/kg for the rest of the weight
This is the maintenance dose for a 24 hour period.
The child also has dry mucous membranes and increased skin turgor. How do you calculate what fluid intake is needed to account for the level of dehydration?
Look at the pH (correction index)
- pH <7.1 = severe (10%)
- pH 7.1-7.2 = moderate (7%)
- pH 7.2-7.3 = mild (5%)
What is the formula used to calculate the fluid deficit from dehydration? What time is this given over?
Fluid deficit = weight(kg) x dehydration level (%) x 10(ml)
This gives the fluid deficit that should be corrected over 48 hours.
What is the fluid rate equation for diabetic ketoacidosis?
Fluid rate = [2(maintenance fluids total*) + fluid deficit total]/48hrs
*NB: x2 MF because the MF is only given for 24 hours from its calculation (ml/kg/day)
What electrolyte abnormalities might occur in diabetic ketoacidosis ?
Pseudohyponatraemia - do nothing
Hypokalaemia - usually corrected by adding 20mmol of K+ per litre of fluid BUT in DKA you give 40mmol/L of saline*
*NB- do not give K+ in renal failure
When do you start to give insulin in DKA?
After 1 hour of fluids
What is the rate of insulin given in paediatric DKA?
0.05-0.1 units/kg/hr
What type of insulin is used in paediatric DKA?
Actrapid IV- short half-life and fast acting
When do you start to give 5% dextrose in DKA management?
Once the blood glucose falls to 12mmol/L (must monitor carefully)
Once insulin Actrapid has been started, what shoud be monitored and how often?
- BM every 1hr
- Blood ketones every 2-4hr
- GCS - check for cerebral oedema
- Vital signs
- Blood gas
Why is the 5% dextrose given in DKA treatment?
Stop ketosis (from fat breakdown for energy)
What three things are given once the glucose has reached 12mmol/L?
0.9% saline + 5% dextrose + K (40mmol/L)
When should you start subcutaneous injections of insulin?
ASAP once the child is alert