🔸 Diabetes Complications Flashcards
One of every ________ healthcare dollars is spent on diabetes.
The leading causes of death in those with diabetes is ____________.
ischemic heart disease (#1) and other heart diseases (#2)
If you have diabetes and you’ve never had a heart attack, your risk of having a heart attack is the same (roughly) as someone who ____________.
does not have diabetes but has had a heart attack
Those with diabetes have much poorer survival post-______ than those without.
Insulin suppresses the production of _____________.
triglycerides; defects in insulin lead to hypertriglyceridemia
True or false: statins are contraindicated in those with diabetes.
Heck no! Every person 40-75 with diabetes should be receiving a statin; it lowers numerous kinds of mortality.
______ is made in excess in those with diabetes, leading to clots.
PAI-1 (plasminogen-activator inhibitor-1)
Why are some tissues preferentially affected by hyperglycemia?
Some tissues –like the retina, nerves, and pericytes of the retina –contain aldose reductase that initiates the polyol pathway by converting glucose to sorbitol; the downstream product accumulates on proteins and destroys cells. (There are a couple other pathways.)
What is it called when an amino group binds to a glucose?
Schiff base
Schiff bases transition to __________, which themselves transition to _____________ –an irreversible product.
Amadori product; advanced glycation end products
Why are advanced glycation end products deleterious?
Because they have a high affinity for amino groups on other collagen molecules and cross-link collagen; additionally, they bind to fat more easily, thus causing plaques to form
After ten years with diabetes, ______ percent of people will develop diabetic retinopathy.
Early intensive control of diabetic retinopathy leads to a “_________” effect.
legacy (in which people had better outcomes even years after the study interventions ended)
True or false: about two-thirds of people with diabetes will develop diabetic nephropathy.
False. Only one-third.
Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy –the most common form of diabetic neuropathy –initially presents with ___________ and then progresses to ____________.
hyperalgesia; absence of pain
Roughly 80% of hospitalizations and deaths from diabetes are due to ________________.
cardiovascular disease
Early intensive control of blood sugar in diabetics has been shown to _______________.
decrease future risk of cardiovascular events
Fibroblasts are stimulated to produce more ECM by excess ____________ activity.
protein kinase C
What is mononeuritis multiplex?
Vascular occlusion of the blood supply to one nerve –can improve with time
Diabetes is the number one cause of ______________.
blindness, renal failure, and non-traumatic foot amputations
Aldose reductase is a potential therapeutic target is the ___________ pathway.
Diabetic foot disease is caused by ______________.
impaired blood flow to the feet coupled with impaired sensation