Diabetes Flashcards
diabetes definition
metabolic disease resulting from the breakdown in the ability to either produce or to utilize insulin resulting in hyperglycemia
Type 1 diabetes
most common in adolescents
ketone development occurs
s/s of type 1 diabetes
labs/diagnostics of type 1 DM
serum fasting glucose( AT LEAST 8 hrs) > 126 or glycated hemoglobin (A1C) > 6.5
Management of Type 1 DM
treatment if individualized
Basal insulin + meal time bolus of a rapid acting or short acting insulin
inslin pumps usually with this demographic
Somogyi effect
nocturnal hypoglyecemia causes a surge of counter regulatory hormones which raises blood surgar
hypoglycemic @ 0300 but rebounds to a high glucose @ 0700
Symogyi effect treatment
reduce bedtime dose of insulin
Dawn Phenomenon
blood glucose becomes progressively increased throughout the night
Dawn Phenomenon treatment
add or increase the bedtime dose of insulin
Type 2 Diabetes is the
most common type of diabetes
circulating insulin exists enough to prevent ketoacidosis but is inadequate to meet patients insulin needs
what is syndrome x?
abnormal lipid panel (low HDL’s, High Triglycerides)
Metabolic syndrome
only need 3/5- to diagnose
1. waist circumfrance- 40 inch (101.6 cm) in men, >35 cm (88.9 cm) in women
2. BP 130/85
3. Triglycerides > 150
4. FBG- > 100
5. HDL < 40 in men, <50 in women
S/S of Type 2 DM
gradual onset of hyperglycemia
peripheral neuropathy
recurrent vaginitis (women)
chronic skin infections
Labs/Diagnostsics of Type 2 BM
same as Type 1, except NO KETONES
Managment of Type 2 DM
- diet/exercise
- Medications