Developmentally Disabled - Brandt Flashcards
intellectual disability
deficit in intellectual function
trisomy 21
down syndrome
single palmar crease protruding tongue flat facies small ears thick neck
large ear, elongated face, enlarged testicules, behavior problems
fragile X syndrome
FXS - Xq27
more in males
inability to achieve in specific area of learning at level consnstent with persons overall IQ
learning disorder
reading, writing, mathematics
tx of learning disorders
remedial instruction
supportive counseling
autistic spectrum disorder
impaired social interaction
impaired ability to communicate
restricted range of activities and interest
first 3 years of life
boys 4x more likely
good prognosis - higher IQ, better language and social skills
asperger syndrome
good verbal language
milder nonverbal language problems
engage in repeat routines
often fascinated with 1 thing
etiology of autistic spectrum disorders
brain dysfunction
-cerebellum, cerebral cortex - frontal and temporal
likely genetic
abnormality in NT levels - serotonin and DA
tx autistic spectrum disorders
well structured classroom and home routine
individualized instruction
behavior modificaiton
retts syndrome
mostly in girls - age 4
decreased social, verbal, and cognitive skills
-wringing, ataxia, decreased IQ
childhood disintegrative disorder
normal age 2-10 then lose skills
more in boys
failure to eat adequately with failure to gain weight or loss of weight over at least 1 month
feeding disorder in infancy or early childhood
not due to GI issue
onset before age 6
not bc of lack of food
epidemiology of eating disorders
M = F
develop to be smaller than peers
tourettes disorder
age onset 6-7yo
more in boys
duration - lifelong or resolve adulthood
involuntary motor and vocal tics
-DA in caudate nucleus
rule out - pure vocal or motor tic disorder
tx tourettes
transient tic disorder
single or multi motor/vocal tics no longer than 12 months
separation anxiety disorder
school phobia or school refusal
complain sx don’t have
tx - SSRI and therapy
often fam hx anxiety disorders