developmental milestones Flashcards
follows to midline follows past midline
2 months 4 months
12 months milestones
walking, pull to stand, pincer grasp, language, calling mama/dada out specifically, wave bye bye, drink from cup, patacake, combine syllables, and feed self crackkers
understand words like over, under, through, below
5 years
climbs ladder
3 years
gross motor skills development
use of LARGE muscle groups o In 1st year, gross motor skills develop head to toe o 2months hold head up, 2-4 months arms, 4-6 months torso control, 6 months sitting, 7-11 months crawl, 12-14 months walk
primary colors and 3 instructions at a time
4 years
development line at… 9 months
imitates sounds and single syllables
9 months
preferred handedness?
5 years
development line at… 1 week
eye level
development line at… 2 months
neck level
250+ words
3 years
vocalizes oo and ahhh
2 months
2 months milestones
smiles spontaneously/responsively; regards faces and follows object to midline + vocalizes (ooh,aah)/responds to bell and lifts head
when can baby pick up objects by curling up 4th and 5th fingers.
8 months
4 months milestones
rolls from front to back, laughs, grasps objects (rattle), small pushup by lifting head and preference for social contact; follows objects past midline; laughs out loud and squeals.
24 months milestones
runs well, stairs, can jump, kicks ball, explosion of words after 18 months (50+), tower blocks, remove clothes, combine words, social with people, not afraid of strangers and play with kids
3 years milestones
alternate feet on stairs, 250+ words, 3 word sentences, and 75% intelligible to a stranger, move from parallel play to pretend/cooperative play, pencil grasp matures, copy shapes, child proof scissors and buttons, balance on 1 foot for a second, broad jump 2 feet forward, tricycle, climbs ladder and slides, says 1st name age and sex, tower 4+ blocks
4 years milestones
100% intelligible to strangers, identify with fantasy figures/dolls, more interactive play, one foot hop, balance on 1 foot for 2 seconds, toilet on own, swings and climbs, 4 word sentences, itsy bitsy spider, first and last name, draws atleast 6 body parts on a person, remembers stories, tell story/sing song, understands same and different, talks about likes/dislikes, 10-15 min attention, primary colors, 3 instructions at a time, tantrums
development line at… 4 months
18 months milestones
language development is critical here!! (atleast 1 new word per month from 12-18 months), stands alone, stoops down without holding, atleast 6 words + mama/dada, combine 2 words, runs stiffly, hold hand to walk down stairs, uses spoon; stranger anxiety is minimal; walk backwards o Delayed language could mean a hearing or developmental problem
combined syllables and patacake
12 months
4+ block towers
3 years
feeds cracker sits unsupported
6 months
6 areas of child development
gross motor skills fine motor skills language skills social skills reflexes cognitive skills
critical occurence during 18 months
language development
1 foot for 1 sec? 1 foot for 2 sec? 1 foot for 4-5 sec?
3 4 5
pretend/coperative play
3 years
6 months milestones
sits in highchair, lifts chest with locked arms, puts toes in mouth, can roll either direction back or front, bears some weight on legs, regards own hands, laughs, feeds self cracker and reaches; may crawl
fine motor skills development
small muscles of the hands develop in an ulnar to radial pattern. o First infants will rake objects with pinky, then curl objects into their 4th & 5th fingers, then rake with all fingers, and perform a thumb/forefinger grasp at 12 months. After 12 months, fine motor skills become refined for writing/drawing.
9 months milestones
quadriceps has power = crawling, lots of different sounds, fine motor develops from ulna to radial side; social cues (can play peek a boo), can remember and uncover a hidden object (infant memory); imitates sounds + single syllables and recognizes sound of name; stands while holding furniture; mama/dada nonspecific
mama/dada nonspecific? mama/dada specific?
non- 9 months specific at 12 months
1 week milestones
reflexes (moro, rooting, stepping, grasping) + turns head nose to surface + regards face/bell
development line at… 6 months
when 100% intelligible language?
4 years
development line at… 12 months
5 years milestones
kindergarten ready = can follow directions independently, use toilet confidently, seated tasks improve, balances 4-5 seconds, dresses independently, 10 body parts on a person, left vs right, preference for a handedness, prints letters, follow rules, turns and sharing; tantrums are less in play; understand over, in, on top, etc;