developmental milestones Flashcards
follows to midline follows past midline
2 months 4 months
12 months milestones
walking, pull to stand, pincer grasp, language, calling mama/dada out specifically, wave bye bye, drink from cup, patacake, combine syllables, and feed self crackkers
understand words like over, under, through, below
5 years
climbs ladder
3 years
gross motor skills development
use of LARGE muscle groups o In 1st year, gross motor skills develop head to toe o 2months hold head up, 2-4 months arms, 4-6 months torso control, 6 months sitting, 7-11 months crawl, 12-14 months walk
primary colors and 3 instructions at a time
4 years
development line at… 9 months
imitates sounds and single syllables
9 months
preferred handedness?
5 years
development line at… 1 week
eye level
development line at… 2 months
neck level
250+ words
3 years
vocalizes oo and ahhh
2 months
2 months milestones
smiles spontaneously/responsively; regards faces and follows object to midline + vocalizes (ooh,aah)/responds to bell and lifts head
when can baby pick up objects by curling up 4th and 5th fingers.
8 months