Developmental 5.3 Flashcards
What is neurodevelopment? (1 sentence, 3 examples)
The brain’s development of neurological pathways that influence performance/functioning of behaviour
Intellectual functioning
Social skills
Attention abilities
When does neurodevelopment begin? (4 points)
Begins in early prenatal stages
Complex neurological processes emerge around 9 weeks
Continues throughout pregnancy
Majority of growth during 0-3 years
What is atypical development defined as in developmental psychology, psychopathology, and developmental psychopathology? (3 points)
Developmental psychology
- comparison to typical development
- comparison to adult models
Developmental psychopathology
- comparison to typical development + adult models
What are neurodevelopmental disorders? (definition, 4 examples, gender differences)
Disabilities in the functioning of the brain that affect child’s behaviour, memory, or ability to learn
Mental retardation, dyslexia, learning difficulties, ADHD
More common in males than females compared to depression, anxiety and eating disorders more common in adolescent females.
What is the DSM-5 Definition of a mental disorder? (4 points)
Syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance:
In cognition - emotion regulation/behaviour
Reflects dysfunction in psychological, biological, developmental processes of mental functioning
Associated with distress/disability in social, occupational, other important activities.
What are the broad criteria underlying the DSM-5 categories? (3 points)
Similar antecedents (biological, psychological, social, environmental) / risk factors grouped together
Common concurrent variables / correlates (underlying biological abnormalities) grouped together
Similar outcomes + response to treatment grouped together
What does DSM-5 stand for?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
What are the strengths of the DSM-5 definition? (4 points)
- Adopts medical model (disorder resides within individual rather than between people)
- Claims mental disorders must have underlying psychobiological dysfunction
- Describes people with mental disorders as experiencing distress/disability
- Assesses disorders in terms of individual’s social and cultural background
What are the weaknesses of the DSM-5 definition? (5 points)
- Relational nature of disorders + interpersonal context = ignored
- Specific biological causes not identified for most mental disorders
- Not all children show same biological abnormalities
- Relationship between abnormality and disorder = not causal
- Some disorders may be entirely psychological
What are 6 ADHD inattention symptoms?
- Difficult sustaining attention
- Does not listen when spoken to directly
- Difficult organizing tasks/activities
- Avoids tasks requiring sustained mental effort
- Forgetful in daily activities
- Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
What are 6 hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms?
- Difficulty playing/engaging in activities quietly
- Talks excessively
- Blurts out answers
- Difficult waiting in lines/awaiting turn
- Interrupts others
- Fidgets with hands / feet or squirms in seat
What are four requirements for a child to be diagnosed with ADHD?
- Symptoms present before age 7
- Clinically significant impairment in social, academic/occupational functioning
- Some symptoms present in 2 or more settings
- Not due to another disorder (autism/mood disorder/anxiety disorder)
What percentage of the population gets diagnosed with ADHD, and what percent of children are referred?
6-10% prevalence of population
50% children referred to mental health clinics are referred for ADHD problems
What is the annual societal and individual cost of illness for ADHD?
Societal - 36-52 billion dollars
Individual - 12-17 thousand dollars
What is the ratio of ADHD in males to females?
More common in males than females
3:1 in epidemiological samples
3:1 to 9:1 in clinic samples