Development P2 SEC B Flashcards
What is development?
Improvement to people’s quality of life and standard of living
What factors effect quality of life?
- Social
- political
- Wealth
- Environment - sustainability
- Cultural - democracy/politics
What are the advantages of GNI, as an economic measure of development? (2)
- Easy to measure
- measure country’s level of economic development
What are the disadvantages of GNI?
- doesn’t count happiness
- higher GNI can hide widespread inequality
Why is HDI a good measure to use for judging the development of a country? (3)
- uses 2 types of social data and 1 type of economic data- shows quality of life and standard of living
- updated annually
- gives indication of how the money is spent
What is the difference between standard of living and quality of life?
Standard of living measure economic wellbeing.
Quality of life is about happiness.
Describe the disadvantages of HDI?
- some geographers argue that wealth has too much of an important part, so rich countries can be artificially high in rankings
- some think HDI should include more measured, from a range of 10-15 instead of 3, to give the final score
- GNI may hide widespread inequality of a country
Define GNI.
Gross National Income
- total value of goods and services produced in country ,plus the income of residents and buisnesses
What factors make up HDI?
- life expectancy
- number of years of education
- GNI per capita
Name the 3 main causes of uneven development and an example for each.
- Economic causes - most of trade is within richer countries, want to pay as little as possible to LICs ( gte material from LICS cheaper)
- Historical causes - colonisation, wars (due to independence), poverty cycle, high economy already
- Physical causes - natural disasters, landlocked ,extreme climate, lack of safe water, climate related disease
Evidence of disparities in wealth caused by uneven development?
- increases development gap
- LEDCs are exploited for goods and don’t get paid enough, because rich countries are powerful
- corrupt governments - less money goes towards benefiting people
- MEDCs get richer/ stay rich
- HICs have more stable governments - more money put into benefiting people
- ## More trade within MEDCs
- NEES have grown
-in 2014, 35% of gobal welath in N AMERICA , but onlly held by 5% of world’s adult population
effects of migration from uneven development?
- multicutural
- economic migrants
How can we narrow the development gap?
- improve trade - fair trade, cancel debt (interest rates are high), free trade through WTO
- Aid
- Support for women - local micro-finance schemes
- Work for gender equality - Investment - rich invest into poorer
- Tourism
Define sustainability.
When materials/ resources are used in a way that balance needs of the present without compromising the future
What factors are affected by uneven development?
- wealth
- health
- migration
What is primary, secondary and tertiary activity?
Primary - extracting raw materials - farming, mining, fishing
Secondary- manufacturing/construction - making cars etc.
Tertiary - providing service - teaching, doctors etc.
Define a development indicator?
A measure to show how developed a country is.
What factor puts countries at a disadvantage when trading?
Landlocked countries
What is the multiplier effect?
When profits from sales is used to invest into new industries and the country gets richer and richer.
What are the limitations of using economic and social indicators to measure development?
- Data might be outdated
- Some data is difficult to collect
- Some information is unreliable
- Informal work isn’t included in data (get healthcare advice on phone for ppl per doctor)
- Government may be corrupt
what is the demographic transition model?
A geographical model that shows how a country’s population changes over time
what is infant mortality?
no, deaths of children under 1 year per 1000 live births
ppl per doctor?
no. ppl who rely on one doctor for healthcare advice
access to safe water?
% ppl who have access to water that doesnt carry health risk
what happens at
stage one of demographic model?
HIGH birth rate
HIGH death raet
stable population
what happens at
stage 2 of demographic model?
birth rate : REMAINS HIGH
death rate: DECREASES
Polulation : GROWS
STAGE 3 of demographic transition model?
birth rate DROPS RAPIDLY
Death rate DECREASES
population GROWS
STAGE 4 of demographic transition model?
BIRTH RATE LOW /fluctuates
Death rate LOW
population is HIGH
what happens at
stage 5 of demographic transition model?
birth rate is LOW
deaths reate INCREASES
population DECREASES
evidence fort disparities of HEALTH caused by uneven development?
in LICS, mist common death is CHILD BIRTH COMPLICATIONS
but in HICS , chronic disease is most common death
LICS: infection is 1/3 deaths
2/10 old age
4/10 of children under 15
HICS: 1/100 deaths children under 15
7/10 are old age deaths
Stratégies to reduce development gap - 8
How does INVESTMENT reduce development gap?
Invest money in LIC to increase profit involving:
- construction of dams (electricity)
- improvement of harbours and ports
- development in industries
How does INDIUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT reduce development gap?
1) factory creates employment /money
2) money invested in SCHOOLS/WATER/HEALTH
3) population is better educated
4) opportunities for new investment
How does TOURSIM reduce development gap?
Tourism increases INCOME for schools and healthcare , housing
How does FAIRTRADE reduce development gap?
Improves quality of life for farmers
- get all money for crops (fair price)
- part of price is invested in LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS
How does DEBT RELIEF reduce development gap?
- build up of debts in 1970-80 - DEBT CRISIS
- so borrowed money to develop economy as HICS CANCELLED DEBTS
- money saved in debt can be used to develop services, infrastructure
What is microfinance ?
Small scale financial support from banks to help poor
reducing development gap case study : Jamaica
- how has tourism reduced the development gap ?
ECONOMY: - Tourism accounts for 34% GDP in 2019
- Earns £2 billion a year in tourist revenues
EMPLOYMENT: Employs 300,000 people directly and indirectly
Multiplier effect: Help boost the economy through local spending in shops and on services
INFRASTRUCTURE : The north coast saw a new port and cruise liner facilities together with new hotel accommodations being built
- Narrows the gap as more tourists are attracted to the area which generates more jobs which in turn boosts the economy
Jamaica : ad and dis on environment due to toursim?
ad: Conservation & landscaping
- water treatment to reduce pollution from hotels
- ecotourism developments
DIS : Footpath erosion
- excessive waste
- use of water, harmful emissions