Development of Vasculature Flashcards
What are the 3 different components of the venous system?
Vitelline (yolk sac); cardinal (systemic); umbilical
Where does the formation of the 1st blood cells and vessels occur?
In the yolk sac (week 3)
What are hemangioblasts?
Progenitors that form the blood islands
What do hemangioblasts differentiate into?
Hematopoietic stem cells; endothelial precursor cells
What are endothelial precursor cells?
Wall of blood vessels
What are haematopoietic stem cells?
Immature cells that can develop into all types of blood cells, including white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
As the yolk sac is not big enough, what organ takes over to perform haematopoisesis?
Liver (week 4)
After the liver takes over, in week 10/10.5 what then replaces the liver to perform haematopoisesis?
Bone marrow
What is haemoatopoisesis?
Blood cell production
Where do the earliest vessels come from?
What is vasculogensis?
Endothelial precursor cells join to form vesicles that form enlongated tubes
What takes over vasculogenesis?
What is angiogenesis?
When old vessels sprout new vessels
How many pairs of aortic arches are there?
6 (in pharyngeal arches)
What happens do the 1st and 2nd aortic pairs?
They are obliterated
Name the 1st and 2nd pair of aortic arches?
Maxillary; Stapedial
What happens to the 5th pair of aortic arches?
Disappears/has no function/absent
What are the 3rd pair of aortic arches?
Common carotid artery; first part of internal carotid artery
What are the 4th pair of aortic arches?
Left side contributes to part of the aortic arch and right side contributes the subclavian artery
What are the 6th pair of aortic arches?
Sprout branches that form pulmonary artery, ductus arteriosus on the left, and communicates with the aorta
What branch do the external carotid arteries come from?
Internal carotid artery
Describe the development of the 6th aortic arch pair
Initially forms communication on the left as the ductus arteriosus; main branch grows into the lungs giving pulmonary vasculature (cranial nerve is associated with this)
What is the right recurrent nerve trapped by?
Right subclavian artery
What fuses to create the aorta?
Left and right aortae (gives many branches)
What in the yolk sac connects with the embryonic vasculature?
Vitelline veins, arteries and vessels
What else do the structures in the yolk sac do?
Grow out of the sac towards mid gut creating vessels that connect the dorsal aorta
What is the yolk sac associated with?
3 vessels that supply the abdominal gut (midgut, hindgut, foregut)
What do the lateral branches of the dorsal aorta supply?
Structures in the abdominal cavity (i.e suprarenal cavity; gonadal artery)
What artery is associated with the thoracic region?
Intercostal artery
What artery is associated with the lumbar region?
Lumbar artery
What artery is associated with the sacral region?
Lateral Sacral artery
How many cervical arteries are there?
List the 7 cervial arteries
Right vertebral artery; common carotid artery; brachiocephalic artery; left subclavian artery; left vertebral artery; internal thoracic artery; descending aorta
What is an anastomose?
A cross-section between vessels
What vessels are lost?
Intersegmental vessels
What do the vitelline veins drain?
Yolk sac
What do the vitelline veins form?
Portal venous system
What does the portal venous system drain?
Gut, that goes back to the heart via the liver (hepatic sinusoids/veins)
What are the vitelline veins also associated with?
IVC (smll component)
What does the distal part of the left umbilical vein form?
Ductus venosus and definitive umbilical vein
What does the umbilical vein form?
Ligamentum teres (after it is lost after birth)
What does the ductus venosus form?
Ligamentum venosum
What is the ligamentum venosum?
It is a ligament that connects the umbilical vein to the IVC
What is the ligament teres?
A ligament that contains a blood vessel that contributes to the femoral head during childhood
What does the liver form as?
A sprout from gut tube
As the liver grows, what does it do?
Engulfs the vitelline veins (become part of liver) and forms venous system (hepatic sinusoids)
What kind of channels connect the hepatic venous system to the sinus venosum?
Hepatocardiac channels
What is the single large connection to the liver?
Hepatic vein
Within the liver itself, a large vessel forms, what is this called?
Ductus venosus
Describe the pathway of blood coming in through left umbilical
Comes in through ductus venosus and then goes back towards the developing heart
What happens to the right umbilical vein?
Thins out and regresses until it disappears
What veins unite to form the common cardinal veins?
Anterior and posterior cardinal veins
What does the anterior cardinal vein drain?
Head; neck; upper limb
What does the anastomosis between the anterior cardinal veins develop into?
Left brachiocephalic vein
What is the SVC formed from?
The right common carotid vein and proximal part of right anterior cardinal vein
The right anterior cardinal veins form the?
Internal jugular veins
The left posterior cardinal vein entering the left brachiocephalic vein is retained as what small vessel?
Left superior intercostal vein
The anastomosis between the subcardinal veins forms what?
Left renal vein
Once the left subcardinal ven disappears what is left?
Left gonadal vein
The right subcardinal vein develops into?
Renal segment of the IVC
The anastomosis between rhe sacrocardinal veins forms what?
Left common iliac vein
What forms the azygos vein?
Right supracardinal vein and a portion of the posterior cardinal vein
What forms the hemiazygos?
Left supracardinal vein
What horn increases in size due to shift in blood?
Right horn
What happens to the left anterior and posterior cardinal veins?
They regress
What does the sinus venosus lose connection with?
Vitelline vein
What happens to the left and right umbilical veins?
They regress
What veins increase in size due to extra space from regressing veins?
Systemic veins
Where does the right horn connect to?
Right atrium
What is found in the left horn?
Conorary sinus
What is formed in the left horn?
A small opening into right atrium providing venous return frm heart
What blood is carried in umbilical vein?
Oxygenated blood
What kind blood is in the IVC?
What blood is carried by the SVC to the right atrium?
Systemic blood
What happens to the umbilical veins and arteries after birth?
Breakdown and become fibrous structure