Development of Head and Neck. Flashcards
Pharyngeal arches - Derivation.
NCC migrating to Neck region. (Major)
Intraembryonic Mesoderm - Paraxial and Lateral Mesoderm.
When are Pharyngeal arches are formed.?
4th week.
Pharyngeal Clefts - Derived from
Outer ectoderm.
Pharyngeal Pouches - Derived from
Inner Endoderm.
Pharyngeal Membrane - contains.?
all three Germ layers.
1st membrane - Tympanic membrane.
Rest all obliterates.
Point where Cleft meets pouch -
Pharyngeal membrane.
Components of Pharyngeal arch.?
Cartilage, Muscles, Nerve, Artery.
Cartilage component of 1st arch -
Meckel’s cartilage, Malleus, Incus, maxilla, mandible, sphenoid, zygomatic, temporal bone.
Cartilage component of 2nd arch -
Richter’s cartilage - Stapes, Styloid, Stylohyoid, Supr surface of hyoid, Small horn of hyoid.
Cartilage component of 3rd arch -
Greater horn of hyoid, Infr surface of hyoid.
Cartilage component of 4th and 6th arch -
Cartilages of larynx excpt epiglottis.
Epiglottis - derived from
mesoderm of Hypobranchial eminence of 4th arch.
Muscle component of 1st arch
Muscles of mastication, Tensor tympani, Tensor palatini, Mylohyoid.
Nerve component of 1st arch -
Mandibular nerve.
Pre - Trematic- Chorda tympani nerve.
Artery component of 1st arch-
Maxillary artery.
Muscle component of 2nd arch -
Muscles of facial expression, Posterior belly of digastric.
stylohyoid, stapedius.
Nerve component of 2nd arch -
Facial nerve.
pre - trematic nerve - Tympanic nerve of IX
Artery component of 2nd arch -
Stapedial artery.
Mandibular branch of Arches is .?
1st arch
Hyoid branch of arches is .?
2nd arch
Cartilage component of 3rd arch .?
Greater horn of hyoid, inferior surface of hyoid.
Muscle component of 3rd arch.?
Artery component of 3rd arch.?
Nerve component of 3rd arch .?
Cartilage component of 4th and 6th arch.?
Cartilage of larynx except epiglottis.
Muscle component of 4th arch.?
Muscle of pharynx (except - Stylopharyngeus) and plate and cricothyroid.
Muscles of Larynx is derived from 6th branch except
Muscles of pharynx is derived from 4th branch except -
Muscle component of 6th arch.?
Muscles of larynx except circothyroid.
Nerve component of 4th arch .?
Nerve component of 6th arch .?
Artery of 4th arch .?
Aortic arch, right subclavian artery.
Artery of 6th arch.?
Pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus.
Aortic arch derived from
left 4 th arch.
Right subclavian artery derived from
right 4th arch.
Distal left 6th arch gives rise to which artery.?
Ductus arteriosus.
Hypobranchial eminence of 4th branch gives rise to
epiglottis and posterior most part of tongue.
Muscles of palate derived from 4th arch except.?
Tensor palatini - 1st arch.
Failure of differentiation of 1st arch derivatives
Treacher collins and Pierre robinson syndrome.
Treacher collins syndrome
Failure of differentiation of 1st arch derivatives.
Facial asymmetry, Coloboma of lower eyelid, External ear anomalies.
Pierre robinson syndrome
Mandible hypoplasia,
Cleft palate.
1st pouch derivatives
Eustachian tube, Middle ear and Mastoid antrum.
2nd Pouch derivatives -
Tonsillar fossa and epithelium.
3rd pouch derivatives
Thymus and Inferior parathyroid.
4th Pouch derivatives -
Superior parathyroid and Ultimobranchial body
Ventral 4th pouch derivatives -
Ultimobranchial bodies - Parafollicular cells
Parafollicular cells derived from -
NCC > Ultimobranchial body
Dorsal 4th pouch derivatives -
Superior parathyroid
Ventral 3rd pouch derivatives
Dorsal 3rd pouch derivatives
Inferior parathyroid.
Failure of differentiation of 3rd pouch -
Digeorge syndrome. - absent thymus and inferior parathyroid.
1st cleft forms
External auditory meatus.
2nd cleft forms
Cervical sinus - 2nd cleft fuses with 6th arch
2nd cleft fuses with 6th arch to form
Cervical sinus
Persistence of cervical sinus
Branchial cyst
Location of branchial cyst or sinus
upper border of SCM muscle.
MC location of Branchial cyst or sinus
Below angle of mandible.
Epithelium of tongue derived from
ant 2/3 rd - Surface ectoderm.
postr 1/3 - Endoderm.
Muscles of tongue derived from
Myotome of occipital somites excpt palatoglossus - 4th arch
Myotome of occipital somites gives rise to all muscles of tongue except
Palatoglossus is derived from
4th arch
myotome of Occipital somites gives rise to
muscles of tongue
Myotome of pre - occipital somites gives rise to
extraocular muscles
Myotome of cervical somites gives rise to
Diaphragm is derived from
Septum transversum and cervical somites - myotome.
Anterior 2/3rd of tongue is derived from
Floor of 1st arch - 2 lingual swellings and tuberculum impar.
mesoderm of hypobranchial eminence of 3rd arch.
Which arch does not contribute to tongue formation
2nd arch.
posterior 1/3rd of tongue derived from
mesoderm of hypobranchial eminence of 3rd arch
Posterior most part of tongue derived from
mesoderm of hypobranchial eminence of 4th arch
General sensation of Antr 2/3rd of tongue is supplied by
Lingual nerve - branch of mandibular nerve - 1st arch
Taste sensation of Antr 2/3rd of tongue is supplied by
Chorda tympani - branch of facial nerve. - Pre- trematic of 1st arch
Taste and general sensation of posterior 1/3rd of tongue is supplied by
Glossopharyngeal nerve - IX
Posterior most part of tongue is supplied by
Adenohypophysis is derived from
Rathke’s pouch - Surface ectoderm.
Pars nervosa is derived from
Pars anterior, Intermedia, Tuberalis derived from
Surface ectoderm.
Adrenal cortex derived from
Intermediate mesoderm.
Adrenal medulla derived from
Face development - processes
MNP and LNP.
Forehead is derived from
Frontonasal process
Philtrum and Palate derived from
Frontonasal process gives rise to
MNP gives rise to
Philtrum and primitive palate.
LNP gives rise to -
Ala and side of nose
MNP fuses with
Maxillary process
Philtrum and primitive palate derived from
Ala and side of nose derived from
Maxillary process fuses with
Maxillary process gives rise to
Upper lip and cheek
Upper lip and cheek derived from
Maxillary process
Lower lip and Chin are derived from
Mandibular process
Mandibular process gives rise to
Lower lip and chin.
Primary palate derived from
Secondary palate derived from
Maxillary process
Incisive foramen - formation.
site of fusion of primary and secondary palate.
Midline cleft lip - cause
Failure of fusion of MNP - Absent philtrum.
Philtrum is absent in
Failure of fusion of MNP - Midline Cleft lip
Cleft upper lip - cause
Failure of fusion of MNP and maxillary process.
Failure of fusion of MNP and maxillary process causes -
Cleft upper lip.
Oblique facial cleft - causes
Failure of fusion of LNP and Maxillary process.
Cleft lower lip - Causes
Failure of fusion of Mandibular process.