Development & Milestones Flashcards
Development occurs in a ___ and ____ progression
What are the types of development?
Motor (fine. gross)
acquisition of ___ motor skills precedes __ motor skills
gross motor
fine motor
____ occur prior to large developmental leaps when the child is more fussy and sleepy
___ language precedes ____ language
what is the progression of expressive language?
cooing–> babbling –> single word –> putting 2-3 words together –> telling a story
Developmental Milestones for 1 month old (5)
Showing startle response (extinguishes after 1-2 months)
Responds to sound by blinking, crying, quieting
Fixates on human face and follows w/ eyes
Moves all extremities, Has flexed posture
When crying, can usually be consoled by being spoken to or held
2 months developmental milestones (4)
- Coos and vocalizes reciprocally, attentive to voices
- Smiles responsively
- In prone position, lifts head, neck, and upper chest w/ support on forearms, some head control in upright position
- Shows interest in visual and auditory stimuli
4 months (personality starts to show) (6)
- Rolls over from front to back
- Babbles and coos, Smiles, laughs, squeals
- Spontaneous social smile
- Controls head well, In prone position, holds head upright and raises body on hands
- Opens hands, holds own hands, grasps rattle
- Begins to bat at objects
6 months developmetal milestone
- Babbling: Vocalizes single consonants (baba, dada), Babbles reciprocally
- Transfers small objects from hand to hand
- Rakes in small objects
- Sits w/ support
9 months developmental milestones (6)
- Cruising: Crawls, creeps, scooting on bottom
- May pull to stand
- Uses inferior pincer (thumb and finger) grasp
- Stranger anxiety
- Says mama and dada nonspecifically
- Starts to drink from a cup
12 months developmental milestones (6)
Pulls to stand, cruises, may take a few steps alone
Vocab of 1-3 words in addition to “mama” and “dada”
Drinks from a cup, Feeds self
Bangs 2 blocks together
Plays social games
Precise pincer grasp, points w/ index finger, waves “bye-bye”
15 months developmental milestones (7)
Has vocabulary of 3-10 words
Indicates what he wants by pulling, pointing or grunting
Understands simple commands
Stacks 2 blocks
Can point to one or more body parts
Walks well, stoops, climbs stairs
Listens to a story
18 months developmental milestones (8)
Walks quickly or runs stiffly
Throws a ball
Vocabulary of 15-20 words: Uses 2-word phrases
Follows simple directions
Stacks 2-3 blocks
Pulls a toy along the ground
looking at pictures and naming objects
Shows affection, kisses
2 years developmental milestones (7)
Can follow 2-step commands
Has vocabulary of at least 20 words
Uses 2 word phrases
Can stack 5-6 blocks
Can go up and down stairs 1 step at a time, Can kick a ball
Makes or imitates horizontal and circular strokes w/ crayon
Imitates adults
3 years developmental milestones (6)
Copies a circle and a cross
Has self-care skills (feeding and dressing)
Shows early imaginative behavior
Jumps in place, kicks a ball, Rides a tricycle
Knows name, age and sex
Plays parallel with other children their age
4 yearss developmental milestones (8)
Talks about his daily activities and experiences
Builds a tower of 10 blocks
Hops, jumps on one foot
Can sing a song
Draws a person w/ 3 parts
Gives first and last name, Is aware of gender (of self and others)
Distinguishes fantasy from reality
Rides tricycle or bicycle w/ training wheels, throws ball overhand
5 years developmental milestones (8)
Dresses self w/o help
May be able to skip
Can count on fingers
Knows address and phone number
Copies triangle or square
Draws person w/ head, body, arms, legs
Recognizes many letters and can print some
Plays make-believe