Development appraisals Flashcards
Tell me about a development appraisal you have carried out.
Tell me about a sensitivity analysis you have carried out.
Tell me about where you source information and data from for
development appraisals.
Tell me about how you would assist in the selection of appropriate
sources of development finance.
Jewellery Quarter - What sort of planning consent did this site have?
Jewellery Quarter - What uplift did you decide on for your comparables and how did you
come to this conclusion?
Jewellery Quarter - How did you collate your comparable evidence?
Jewellery Quarter - What yield did you apply to your commercial space and why?
Jewellery Quarter - What other inputs did you use for your development appraisal?
Bristol Street - How long does a planning consent expire after?
Bristol Street - How is CIL measured?
Bristol Street - How did you factor risk into your appraisal?
Bristol Street - What is the importance of a profit hurdle rate?
Bristol Street - Tell me about how you have used a sensitivity analysis to produce a
reasoned analysis of risk.
Bristol Street - Tell me about a development appraisal you have used to advise on the
acquisition/disposal of a development site.
Bristol Street - Tell me about an example of when you have provided reasoned advice
on an appropriate source of development finance.
Great Tindal Street - what else could you have done to collate
comparable residential sales evidence as there was limited data?
Great Tindal Street - What other factors can affect profitability?
City Hospital - if you went for this opportunity how would you go about
changing the house types on a consented scheme?
City Hospital - How did you determine the price ceiling?