Development Actors Flashcards
mainstream actors
bilateral donors
development partners
multilateral organisations
private sector
alternative actors
fair trade
social innovation initiatives
official development assistance
what is official development assistance?
funds for technical assistance recieved by countries in the event of humanitarian crisis
short term: humanitarian aid
long term: socio-economic aid
what percent of the ODA does the OECD fund?
what is the 0.7% goal?
for certain countries to give 0.7% of their GDP to developing countries
(only luxemborg, norway, and sweden have reached this)
the world bank
intended to improve the capacity of countries to trade by lending money to war-torn countries encountering difficulties with their balance of payments
intended to create a stable climate for international trade by harmonising its members monetary policies and maintaining exchange stability
what is the development effectiveness paradigm?
where new donors and development partners link trade, investment, concessional finance, and technical assistance
runs a risk that well-being, environmental sustainability, and political justice issues are sacrificed
the private sector is seen as..
more efficient, agile, and key drivers of innovation
civil society organisations: some defend human rights approaches to development some point out rising inequalities (oxfam)
when were NGOs privatised?
NGOs as key development actors
they advocate for grassroots mobilisation through participation:
helps learn rapidly, sustainability is more likely, joint sense of purpose, local ownership
disadvantages of NGOs
can lack strategic focus
can lack technical capabilities
can pursue both economic viability and social responsibility
definition of fair trade
trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade
how does fair trade contribute to sus dev?
by offering better trading conditions to and securing the rights of marginalised producers and workers (F.I.N.E, 2001)
principles of fair trade
direct purchasing from producers
agreed minimum prices
gender empowerment
SOURCE: principles of fair trade
nicholls and opal, 2004
SOURCE: post-aid world?
Mawdsley, 2014