Developing & managing a clinical practice Flashcards


Questions 1 and 2 pertain to the following case.
An accountable care organization (ACO) recently hired
you as the first clinical pharmacist for its internal medicine
clinic. Providers have been overwhelmed with the number
and complexity of the medication-related problems in their
patient population. They believe they need a pharmacist’s
skills; however, they are unclear about your role and service
and ask you to develop a proposal.
1. Which is the most important first step in preparing
your service proposal?
A. Do an external environmental scan to determine
which types of services others have provided to a
similar population.
B. Do an internal environmental scan to determine
which type of medication problems patients are
C. Determine the payer mix and current reimbursement
opportunities for pharmacist-provided
patient care services.
D. Focus on your specific training and strengths,
such as detailing your role and service in diabetes
patient care.

  1. Answer: B
    The first step in planning any service is determining your
    organization’s needs. The optimal method is to perform
    what is termed an internal environmental scan, which is
    the collection of needed internal data that will identify
    important needs of the organization (Answer B is correct).
    Once these are identified, you can use other strategies to
    develop your proposal such that it becomes viable solution
    for the organization’s needs. Such strategies include
    the external environmental scan. To build the case for your
    services, you can use what is reported in the literature or
    provide examples of competitive organizations in your
    community that are already providing such services. You
    can also use your literature search to learn best practices
    and design your service to avoid barriers that others have
    identified and that may affect your services (Answer A
    is incorrect). Determining payer mix and reimbursement
    potential is crucial but is a secondary step after organizational
    needs are identified (Answer C is incorrect).
    Although you may be proud of your training and expertise,
    it may not mesh with the needs of the current job you are
    undertaking. Be confident that your training provides you
    with sufficient knowledge and self-directed learning skills
    to gain the necessary knowledge to develop services outside
    your comfort zone. If this development is well beyond
    your scope of knowledge, you may need to include hiring
    personnel with the desired training in your proposal. Never
    start a service that is not needed; it will be doomed to failure
    (Answer D is incorrect).
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  1. You recognize that the success of your service depends
    on the efficiency of your workflow and how effectively
    it integrates with the workflow of other providers.
    Which is the optimal implementation strategy for your
    proposed daily workflow in the clinic?
    A. Perform all patient scheduling for the services you
    provide to prevent losing patients to follow-up.
    B. Use the clinic’s patient service representatives to
    perform patient scheduling services.
    C. Develop a rigid patient visit schedule set at 45
    minutes for new patient visits and 30 minutes for
    follow-up appointments.
    D. Establish a separate referral process from providers
    in the ACO to control your schedule.
  1. Answer: B
    A common mistake made by pharmacists is to undertake
    duties that less-qualified support personnel can perform.
    Although it may seem reasonable to perform these duties
    when starting your clinic, it will be difficult to pass this
    work back to others as your practice becomes increasingly
    busy. It is wise to develop your workflow from the planning
    stages so that the work provided by the pharmacist is
    work that only you or another provider with similar skills
    can perform. Plan and negotiate using existing staff such
    as a medical assistants, schedulers, and front desk staff to
    perform functions and support they are already doing for
    others that you also will need. Provide them with guidelines
    and expectations for your services. They can make sure no
    patients are lost to follow-up if the expectation and process
    are clear (Answer A is incorrect; Answer B is correct). Rigid scheduling, an approach that health care has used for
    many years, is not optimal because it is not patient centered
    (Answer C is incorrect). Allowing flexibility in scheduling
    (e.g., building 10-minute catch-up slots or saving spots for
    daily unexpected needs) improves patient satisfaction and
    may even improve efficiency. Establishing a separate referral
    process is not a good choice because trying to create
    a new process only for your clinic requires your referral
    sources to learn and remember something different from
    what they are used to performing. This change in usual
    process would ultimately negatively affect your referrals
    (Answer D is incorrect).
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  1. You are developing a Centers for Disease Control
    and Prevention (CDC)-recognized diabetes prevention
    program for your community pharmacy. When
    performing an analysis for strengths, weaknesses,
    opportunities, and threats (SWOT), which is the best
    opportunity for you to develop and create the program?
    A. Hiring a new pharmacist with a community
    postgraduate year one residency (PGY1) and an
    interest in diabetes management.
    B. Remodeling your pharmacy for immunizations
    with a private area to perform the service.
    C. Identifying that a large percentage of your patient
    population is of Southeast Asian descent, which
    is the fastest-growing population with diabetes in
    the United States.
    D. Reviewing billing codes that exist for this service,
    though you have not calculated whether this avenue
    for directly generating revenue will cover the
    program costs.
  1. Answer: C
    Opportunities are situations and information that are
    external to your business or service that will support your
    initiative. That the population your pharmacy serves is
    primarily that for which data show is the fasting-growing
    population with diabetes suggests a need for and sustainability
    of your service (Answer C is correct). A strength of
    your proposed program is hiring a pharmacist with interest
    and competency in the prevention program. Strengths
    are internal criteria that support the program (Answer A is
    incorrect). The same is true for Answer B; it is a strength
    of your pharmacy that you have existing appropriate space
    (Answer B is incorrect). The availability of billing codes
    is a benefit but a questionable opportunity if costs are not
    fully covered (Answer D is incorrect).
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  1. To produce the desired health outcomes, pharmacists
    can use a business tactic known as the balanced scorecard.
    Which group of organizational measures best
    reflects a balanced scorecard?

A. Percentage of providers trained in correct blood
pressure measurement technique; percentage of
patients with blood pressure values documented
at each visit; percentage of blood pressure values
less than 140/90 mm Hg; performance reimbursement
for meeting blood pressure value goals.
B. Number of errors made in computerized provider
order entry system; patient satisfaction scores;
hospital readmissions for heart failure; weight
documentation in chart.
C. Number of faxes versus electronic medical record
use for communication with the laboratory; A1C
values less than 8%; adherence rates to oral antihyperglycemic
medications; number of diabetes
visits per month per patient.
D. “Incident-to” evaluation and management
(E/M) code revenue; number of referrals for
smoking cessation; documentation of smoking
cessation education; maintenance of Board
Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist (BCACP)

  1. Answer: A
    Ensuring the providers are trained in correct blood pressure
    technique is a measure of your clinic structure,
    ensuring that blood pressure is documented at each visit
    is a process measure, achieving a blood pressure goal is
    an outcome, and knowing how that outcome influences
    the organization’s financial status is an important financial
    measure, thus meeting the four key elements of the
    balanced scorecard: structure, process, outcomes, and
    financial measurement (Answer A is correct). Answer B is
    lacking a structure measurement. The computerized provider
    order entry system would be a structure measure that
    could be used in this case to meet a balanced scorecard
    with the other measures listed. Answer C does not have a
    financial measure component, and Answer D does not have
    an outcome measure component.
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  1. Your organization is moving toward value-based payment
    models and recently became part of the Medicare
    Shared Savings Program (MSSP). To sustain your services
    within the organization, you want to ensure that
    you are contributing to the quality measure set for this
    Medicare-based Alternative Payment Model (APM).
    Which measure set is best to review?
    A. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information
    Set (HEDIS) measures.
    B. Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
    C. Interoperability measures.
    D. ACO measures.
  1. Answer: D
    The MSSP was established by CMS under the ACA as a new
    approach to health care delivery to facilitate coordination
    and cooperation among providers to improve the quality
    of care for Medicare beneficiaries and reduce unnecessary
    costs. To participate in the MSSP, providers should either
    be an ACO or participate in an ACO. Participants must
    report on the ACO quality measures established by CMS
    (Answer D is correct). The MIPS measurement of interoperability
    is for Medicare Part B, which is a FFS model
    (Answers B and C are incorrect). The HEDIS measure set
    is for commercial plans (Answer A is incorrect).
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  1. Your practice is growing and needs another pharmacist
    practitioner. Your physician partners have clearly
    stated their desire for the new hire to have the same
    level of skills as you in order for them to be comfortable
    in extending the collaborative practice agreement
    (CPA) to that practitioner. The risk management team
    is also concerned with consistency and the same
    standard of practice and skill. To mimic what the
    organization uses to ensure highly competent physicians,
    nurse practitioners, and physician assistants,
    you develop a credentialing and privileging program
    for patient care pharmacists. Which tactic is best to use to assure your organization that the best hire has
    been made?
    A. BCACP credentials.
    B. Postgraduate year two (PGY2) training.
    C. Peer review of services at 90 days.
    D. Medication therapy management (MTM) training
  1. Answer: C
    Although BCACP status, PGY2 training, and MTM certification
    may all be desired credentials, they within
    themselves will not guarantee that the new hire meets the
    needs of your organization or be at the same skill level
    as you, the organization’s current patient care pharmacist
    (Answers A, B, and D are incorrect). The necessary degree
    of trust for that individual will develop on the basis of his
    or her performance, thus making peer review of services
    the best option for building the needed trust and confidence
    (Answer C is correct).
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  1. You are a pharmacy director of a community hospital
    that lost 3% of its Medicare revenue this past year
    because of the readmission penalty. To rectify this
    problem, the hospital has a strategic plan to improve
    its ambulatory care presence. You have pharmacists
    currently in the ambulatory clinic attached to the hospital;
    however, you have not pursued billing for their
    services. You believe the current pharmacists’ services
    will meet the intent of the new strategic plan, but you
    also know that the ability to generate revenue directly
    will be a key component in sustaining these services.
    Which group of codes will be most beneficial to pursue
    in sustaining and potentially growing these services?
    A. 99605–99607 MTM service codes.
    B. 99211–99215 incident-to E/M codes.
    C. Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) 5012,
    G0463 facility fee codes.
    D. APC 5011, Current Procedural Terminology
    (CPT) 99490 chronic care management (CCM)
  1. Answer: C
    Under HOPPS, all mid-level practitioners who are employees
    of the hospital and meet incident-to rules bill the
    same facility fee code. The current revenue for that code
    is a reasonable reimbursement (Answer C is correct).
    Codes for MTM are not currently recognized or payable
    under Medicare Part B (Answer A is incorrect), nor are
    the incident-to E/M codes submitted by pharmacists currently
    recognized under HOPPS (Answer B is incorrect).
    The CCM codes can only be used for patients who meet
    the criteria established by CMS (Answer D is incorrect).
    In addition, the reimbursement for CCM codes is currently
    less than that for the facility fee code.
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  1. Which billing opportunity is currently best for a physician
    group to use to generate revenue for patient
    services performed by pharmacists under general
    A. MTM codes.
    B. CCM codes.
    C. Incident-to codes.
    D. Wellness visits.
  1. Answer: B
    Medicare relaxed the incident-to rules of direct supervision
    for CCM and TCM services that can be performed
    by auxiliary personnel within their scope of practice
    (includes pharmacists) to bill these particular codes.
    General supervision is thought to be sufficient because
    the Medicare-approved provider in these cases would be
    setting, sharing, and reviewing patients’ plans of care,
    thus providing general supervision (Answer B is correct).
    Incident-to E/M codes and AWVs are incorrect because they require direct supervision (Answers C and D are
    incorrect). Medication therapy management is not a recognized
    billing code under Medicare Part B (Answer A is
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Practice Case
1. You recently completed a residency with an ambulatory care focus and have been hired by the pharmacy department
of a health system to start ambulatory services. The health system has an outpatient clinic with primary care
and medical specialty services. Historically, the pharmacy department has only provided inpatient services to the
organization. The health system’s goal is to expand into ambulatory care in preparation for value-based payment
contracts. The director of pharmacy asks you to develop a plan regarding which service would be best to start
with: transitional care, MTM, polypharmacy management, or specialty services. Which is your best first step?
A. Review the literature on successful practices for each service.
B. Pursue transitional care services because you had a residency rotation on these.
C. Choose specialty services because of the associated use of high-cost medications.
D. Perform a gap analysis to determine which services are most needed in the organization.

  1. Answer: D
    The best first step is to use the skills you gained during
    residency to collect the necessary information to determine
    what is most needed by your organization and what
    can be resolved with pharmacist services (Answer D is
    correct). Performing this gap analysis and developing your
    service while keeping your organization’s needs in mind
    provide the best chance for your program to be approved
    and continue to be successful. Review of the literature is
    an important step; however, it would be a second step after
    the optimal service is determined on the basis of need and
    resources (Answer A is incorrect). Your residency training
    should provide you with the critical thinking skills and
    understanding of how to start a new service, and although
    it would be convenient to perform a service with which you
    have experience, that service may not meet the organization’s
    needs (Answer B is incorrect). Although managing
    high-cost specialty medications is needed by many organizations,
    it may not be needed by your organization (Answer
    C is incorrect).
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  1. You have been providing clinical pharmacy services in an antithrombosis clinic in your organization for 2 years
    and would like to expand your services. You routinely document vital signs and have noticed that blood pressure
    values are above goal for many clinic patients; however, you have not had time to address this medication-related
    issue for most patients. At a recent clinic staff meeting, measures where the practice was not performing well were
    presented. Blood pressure control was one of the measures. You would like to develop a new pharmacist-led blood
    pressure management service and present the proposal to your clinic administrator. Which information will be
    most important to obtain from an external environmental scan to use in your initial proposal?
    A. Literature that supports positive financial and clinical patient outcomes from pharmacist services in blood
    pressure management.
    B. Advice solicited from an e-mail list of ambulatory care pharmacists providing blood pressure management
    C. Established practice standards specifically for pharmacists in blood pressure management.
    D. The advertising brochure from the clinic 2 miles away detailing that it is part of the Million Hearts initiative.
  1. Answer: A
    The most important information to obtain from an external
    environmental scan is supportive literature because evidence
    is strong for positive outcomes and the value of using
    pharmacists in blood pressure management (Answer A is
    correct). Answers B, C, and D might provide information
    that would support your expansion of services; however,
    with the strength of evidence, Answer A would best justify
    the expansion of pharmacy services.
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  1. You have been hired as an assistant professor focused on ambulatory care at a new college of pharmacy. The college
    has secured a new practice site in a family practice office that is reengineering its practice to align with the
    Medicare and commercial ACO programs in which it is now participating. The service wants you to begin seeing
    individuals with diabetes because the practice needs to improve its quality measures for both Medicare and commercial
    payer contracts. Which best describes the optimal referral process to provide your service with the most
    appropriate patients to affect the stated quality measures?
    A. Referral by a physician for each qualified patient.
    B. Automatic referral for patients with A1C 9% or greater.
    C. Offer for patients to choose to participate in the pharmacist-provided patient care service.
    D. Automatic referral only for individuals with diabetes insured through the commercial ACO.
  1. Answer: B
    It is best to have a group of patients identified and scheduled
    when the doors of your service open. This approach
    accomplishes several goals, including efficiency with no
    excessive downtime, whereas use of other approaches may
    cause other employees in the service to question what you
    are doing. In addition, this approach allows you to begin
    generating outcomes sooner that sufficiently demonstrate
    your value (Answer B is correct). Waiting for referrals by
    a physician is problematic, primarily because of the following:
    in their busy schedule, physicians may not often
    think about referring their patients; they may have incentives
    not to refer, depending on the billing incentives in
    the ACO; and they may not initially trust in the pharmacist’s
    skill set (Answer A is incorrect). Asking patients to
    make another appointment with a provider with whom they are not familiar or for a reason they may not understand
    can be problematic (Answer C is incorrect). It is difficult
    for any organization to treat one payer population by providing
    services different from other payer organizations.
    This approach is also problematic with Medicare if the
    Medicare population is not receiving the same service as
    other populations for financial reasons; therefore, this process
    is not recommended (Answer D is incorrect).
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  1. You are creating your referral template for a comprehensive medication management clinic available to all providers
    in the medical group. Because most of your patients will likely be older, supervision will be provided by the
    Medicare Part B providers (e.g., physicians, nurse practitioners) in the primary care clinic to meet the Medicare
    rules for reimbursement. Which is most critical to include in your referral form?
    A. Provider generating the referral.
    B. Pharmacist for whom the provider is directing the referral.
    C. Reason for referral.
    D. Expectations of referral.
  1. Answer: C
    A standard in Medicare billing, especially in the FFS billing
    that eligible providers use for delegated services such
    as pharmacist-provided patient care services, is the concept
    of medical necessity. It requires the billing provider to document
    a statement of medical necessity or the reason why
    the patient must see the provider to whom he or she was
    referred. Although this can be documented in the assessment
    and plan of the note of the referring provider, its
    inclusion in a referral form ensures that this step is documented.
    Payers such as Medicare will audit billed services.
    Not having this information may constitute fraud and usually
    results in any payment for the referred service being
    returned to the payer. This consideration makes the reason
    for referral the most important item that is nonnegotiable
    when creating your referral template or process (Answer
    C is correct). The points in Answers A, B, and D are also
    important for optimal coordination and communication.
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  1. Both in your proposal and after its approval, you will need a timeline for establishing your program. Which is the
    optimal time interval from approval to seeing first patients for your service (in months)?
    A. 3.
    B. 6.
    C. 12.
    D. 18.
  1. Answer: B
    Although reasonable timelines will vary depending on
    when investment revenue is available or whether any construction
    is required, in general, you will want to take
    enough time to make sure you have addressed all considerations
    so that, when your clinic opens, it can focus primarily
    on patients and less on management issues. You also do not
    want to have excessive delays because, to administrators,
    “time is money.” The ideal time is 6 months (Answer B
    is correct). Three months is likely too short to address all
    the items required in developing and operating a service
    (Answer A is incorrect). Going beyond 12 months is likely
    too long and may discourage your stakeholders from supporting
    your clinic (Answers C and D are incorrect).
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  1. You have a well-established heart failure clinic and have consistently decreased readmission rates for heart failure.
    Many of your patients have comorbid diabetes, and you have also begun managing this condition through
    recommendations to clinic providers. However, treating patients with diabetes is slowing the clinic workflow
    because of needed approval for any medical decision-making you perform for patients with comorbid diabetes.
    Which is the best course of action to resolve this inefficiency?
    A. Adjust your schedule to spend one day in the endocrinologist’s office to further develop professional
    B. Work with your medical group to expand your CPA to include diabetes medication management.
    C. Hire an additional pharmacist to focus solely on diabetes management for these patients.
    D. Establish an electronic-based communication system to allow for faster communication.
  1. Answer: B
    Answer B is correct. An initial CPA is often narrow in
    scope. It often requires time to build trust in your competency
    and skill with your team and supervising providers. As that trust progresses, your team will refer more patients
    with a broader range of conditions. Expanding your scope
    of practice in a CPA is the quickest and simplest fix.
    Adjusting your schedule is an option if you have an endocrinologist’s
    supervision to manage diabetes; however,
    many of the patients you see routinely may be treated by
    primary care and not need that level of specialist care or
    cost (Answer A is incorrect). Hiring an additional pharmacist
    is an option, though costly and unnecessary if you can
    handle the workload (Answer C is incorrect). Establishing
    an electronic-based communication system is not the root
    cause of the problem you are facing (Answer D is incorrect).
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  1. An audit by the compliance officer results in a notification that you cannot use incident-to billing for the patients
    for whom you are managing diabetes and heart failure with sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. Your current
    CPA and protocol have not been updated since 2015. Which is the most likely reason for the result of this
    A. Not within the pharmacist’s state scope of practice.
    B. Change in Medicare payment rules.
    C. Outdated CPA.
    D. Not outlined in your policy and procedure.
  1. Answer: C
    Answer C is correct. As new therapies and updated guidelines
    are available, it is important to review your CPAs to
    ensure the allowed practices are current and fully reflect
    the pharmacist’s services. If CPAs are not reviewed at
    least yearly, they may quickly become outdated. Because
    Medicare billing requirements include that services provided
    by auxiliary staff must be within their scope of
    practice, a CPA that does not cover a provided service
    results in that service not being within the scope of practice
    (i.e., a state pharmacy practice act allows such services only
    under a CPA). In such situations under a Medicare audit,
    CMS may require that all payments for such services be
    returned. Answer A is incorrect because if sodium-glucose
    cotransporter-2 inhibitors were part of the CPA, it would
    be within the state scope of practice. Answer B is currently
    incorrect because Medicare allows reimbursement for auxiliary
    services if they are within the pharmacist’s scope of
    practice. Medicare can change the rules at any time, which
    stresses the importance of staying current on billing rules
    and regulations. Answer D is incorrect because billing
    rules and regulations are not governed by organizational
    policy and procedures.
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  1. The physician group for whom you practice has secured an alternative payment contract with a large commercial
    insurer for both Medicare Advantage and commercial beneficiaries. The contract is a set payment per month per
    patient, with the potential for bonuses on the basis of set outcome measures. Which best describes this valuebased
    payment model?
    A. FFS with pay for performance.
    B. Bundled payment model.
    C. Risk-sharing model.
    D. Global payment model.
  1. Answer: D
    Answer D is correct. In global payment, the provider
    receives a set fee per member for a designated time and
    then earns additional revenue on the basis of quality performance.
    In the FFS model, there is no standard payment
    per beneficiary (Answer A is incorrect). In the FFS model,
    a reimbursement for service is provided, with the potential
    for additional reimbursement on the basis of quality
    measures. Bundled payments are a set payment for a particular
    service or diagnosis for a member (e.g., pregnancy,
    hip replacement). Bundled payments are not per-member
    per-time period (Answer B is incorrect). Because the basis of the risk-sharing model is to share the risk and losses for
    not achieving quality measures or cost goals, Answer C is
  1. You practice within a medical group accountable for MIPS measure reporting for Medicare payment. The organization’s
    goal is to achieve a score in the calendar year that will result in bonus Medicare payments. In addition
    to clinical quality measures, which set of MIPS measures is best to focus on to successfully contribute to the
    group’s MIPS score?
    A. Develop an opioid education program for patients and providers.
    B. Measure patient satisfaction with your services.
    C. Focus on decreasing hospitalizations for the patients within your service.
    D. Ensure that your data are included in the group’s quality registry.
  1. Answer: C
    In MIPS, four categories contribute to the total score:
    clinical quality measures, practice improvement activities,
    advancing care information, and cost. Cost of care is
    increasing in importance, which currently accounts for 20%
    of the total score and will increase to 30% in 2024. Cost is
    determined on the basis of the total per capita cost, which
    includes total Medicare Part A and B costs for a beneficiary;
    thus, total per capita costs include costs from hospitalizations.
    Pharmacist-provided patient care services have
    clearly decreased hospitalizations; therefore, this strategy
    would best assist the practice with its MIPS score (Answer
    C is correct). Developing an opioid education program is
    included in improvement activities; however, improvement
    activities contribute to only 15% of the total score and are
    not as effective as decreasing costs and contributing to the
    cost of the MIPS score (Answer A is incorrect). Measuring
    patient satisfaction has received increased CMS attention;
    however, practice CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of
    Healthcare Providers and Systems) scores do not directly
    include pharmacist services and would not be as effective
    as reducing hospitalization costs (Answer B is incorrect).
    Although use of a registry is associated with collecting
    data on clinical quality measures, a registry cannot discern
    attribution of your work as a clinical pharmacist; nevertheless,
    you would want your data to be included in the quality
    registry (Answer D is incorrect).
  1. You have been instructed by your director to meet with your organization’s compliance officer to discuss the
    opportunity to use incident-to codes to directly generate revenue for the patient care services you provide to the
    clinic. In preparing for this meeting, you want to make sure you understand the terminology and rules for these
    codes. Which factor regarding the characteristics and considerations for using incident-to codes is most important
    to ensure the types of service you provide are eligible for reimbursement?
    A. They fall under American Medical Association (AMA) CPT level 1 codes.
    B. They require documentation of E/M of a condition.
    C. They can only be used for established patients.
    D. They require direct supervision for you to provide the services.
  1. Answer: B
    Answer B is correct. The most important aspects for which
    you are fully responsible are documenting your visit and
    ensuring that it meets the requirements of E/M of a medical
    condition, which is what is paid for under Medicare Part
    B. You must follow the E/M guidance as set forth by CMS.
    Although incident-to codes fall under AMA CPT level
    1 codes and you should know the terminology, it is less
    important for you to understand the CPT level for effective
    use of the codes (Answer A is incorrect). In addition,
    incident-to codes can only be used for established patients,
    meaning you cannot see a patient before the patient sees
    the eligible Part B provider. Eligible Part B providers must
    establish the plan of care and the medical necessity for your
    service incident-to their services. Although this is important
    for you to know, it is most important for the clinic and
    other providers to know this progression before a patient is referred to you or placed on your schedule (Answer C
    is incorrect). Incident-to requires immediate supervision,
    which is also important for you to know but is more important
    for whoever manages the clinic operations to know to
    ensure a supervising provider is present when you are providing
    your services (Answer D is incorrect).
  1. You recently completed a community residency practice and have been hired by an independent pharmacy that
    wants to start building services beyond MTM through Medicare Part D. Your practice is in a rural community
    where there is an older adult population and a high incidence of common chronic conditions such as hypertension,
    type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, and smoking. You have a good relationship with
    the regional hospital and the family practice physician in town. The pharmacy owner has added a stipulation that
    there must be revenue to cover the expense of the service (e.g., staffing, promotion, and materials needed). Which
    service is best to initiate?
    A. Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP).
    B. Transitional care management (TCM).
    C. Chronic care management (CCM).
    D. Annual wellness visits (AWVs).
  1. Answer: A
    The MDPP is not a large undertaking, and it would allow
    you to better understand how best to incorporate a clinical
    program into the pharmacy workflow. The program
    can also be created and billed directly by the pharmacy.
    Starting this program would give you experience in managing
    revenue for a clinical program (Answer A is correct).
    Although TCM and CCM are also good choices, they are
    complex (Answers B and C are incorrect). In addition to
    their complexity, the rules for these programs require contracting
    with either the hospital or the physicians in the
    area because only eligible Medicare Part B providers can
    bill for the services. It may be best to start with a smaller
    self-sustaining and manageable program. Depending on
    which services the hospital has and its readmission rates,
    TCM may be a reasonable alternative. Because AWVs
    require direct supervision, they can only be performed in a
    physician’s office (Answer D is incorrect). Although community
    pharmacists are assisting physicians by staffing
    this program in a physician office, this approach does pull
    that resource away from the pharmacy for a shift and may
    not be optimal in an independent pharmacy.