Design and Specification (Level 1) Flashcards
What are the different stages of the design process?
Outline the key stages of the RIBA plan of work.
Following a client instruction, how might you ensure their brief is met?
What do you understand by the term, Modern Methods of Construction?
Give me some examples of Modern Methods of Construction which you have experience or knowledge of.
What is the purpose of the preambles in contract documentation?
When are design risk assessments required?
Why is CDM important in the design process?
How do you make your client aware of their duties under the CDM Regulations?
What technical standards are you aware of and do you use?
How might a building be made more energy efficient?
What information is included in the RICS Guidance Note on Design & Specification?
At what stage would a Building Regulation Application be made?
List the various constituent parts that make up a specification.
Explain the key difference between Prescriptive and Performance specifications.
Give an example when you might recommend the use of a Performance specification?
How do you determine the length of contract period for a project - what factors are considered?
What are the benefits of using specification writing software such as NBS?
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to Design & Specification?