Construction Technology & Enviro (Level 1) Flashcards
Briefly explain the RIBA Plan of Work?
Organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing and operating building projects into eight stages. Explains the stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage.
What stages have you been involved with?
What foundation types are you aware of?
When might piled foundations be used?
What are the advantages of a concrete framed structure over a steel framed structure?
What building elements are classed as the super structure?
How might you tank a basement?
What are the components of a timber pitched roof structure?
How might an internal partition be altered to provide better acoustic performance?
Give me some examples of the different heating systems present in the properties you survey/work on.
What form of floor construction would you expect to find in a 1970’s purpose-built block of flats (to ensure sufficient fire protection?
Explain the principles of compartmentation in relation to purpose-built blocks of flats
Describe and sketch the roof construction of your case study property and identify the key components.
Explain the key differences between a warm and cold roof.
List some of the types of non-traditional house types you are aware of.
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to Construction Technology?