Dermatology Flashcards
dyshidrotic eczema
What is it and tx
tiny, fluid-filled blisters appear on the palms and fingers
Tx with steroids
What is it and tx
red sores that form around the nose and mouth. The sores rupture, ooze for a few days, then form a yellow-brown crust
Tx: pcn cream
Tinea capitus
What is it and tx!
superficial fungal infection of the skin of the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, with a propensity for attacking hair shafts and follicles
Give -azole drugs EXCEPT flagyl!
Check liver function tests
Rule of 9s
Head: 9%
Thorax: 18% front (upper 9 & lower 9), 18% back (upper 9 & lower 9)
Leg (each): 18% (front 9 & back 9)
Arm (each): 9% (front 4.5 & back 4.5)
Genitals: 1%
Palms: 1%
If a child spills boiling water on him/herself… what is this?
Child abuse
Pt comes in with cellulitis…what should you test for?
When does scabies itch
- mostly at night
- permethrin cream
What is Hidradenitis suppurativa
Boils in armpit and groin
Treat with doxy
Hiv test
P24 or blot test
CD4 count for AIDS
200 or less
- what is it
- symptoms
- type of rashes
-measles – caused by rubeola virus – measles, rubeola, and Koplik all have one L in them
-symptoms include fever, malaise, and the 3 Cs – conjunctivitis, coryza (runny nose, congestion), and cough
• maculopapular “brick red” rash; starts on head and neck; spreads centrifugally to trunk and extremities
• Koplik spots – enanthem (rash on mucus membrane) associated with rubeola; 1-3mm white/blue/gray elevations on the buccal mucosa, hard, and soft palate; resemble grains of sand; precede rash
Fifth Disease (erythema infectiosum)
- labs
- diagnosis
- transmission
-Lab: Parvovirus B19
-Diagnosis is usually made based on clinical presentation – “slapped cheek” – instead of lab test
• more common in children
• contagious through respiratory secretions
• symptoms include fever, headache, runny nose, rash
Doxy, bactrim, clinda
Remember MRS…ABCD A
Azelaic acidgel and flagyl
Treatment for mastitis
Keflex or doxy
If a patient has a deviated septum or polyps…what should you suspect?
Substance abuse
If patient loses smell on one side or bleeding… suspect what?
Foreign body
Salivary stones
Very painful
Otitis media
Red and bulging TM
Treat with amox, augmentin, levaquin, omnicef
Causes: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae
Near sighted
farsightedness caused by loss of elasticity of the lens
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Busted blood vessel
No harm
Red painful eye, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and dark floating spots in the field of vision
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and periorbital cellulitis
Threatens sight
Arcus senilis
Grey ring around eye for elderly
Allergic rhinitis
Pale turbinates, clear drainage
Red turbinates, clear or purulent drainage