Dermatology Flashcards
Your dog has suddenly developed these primary lesions, what are they
What is this primary lesion?
What is this organism?
Malassezia pachydermatitis
Which test is best to identify known environmental allergens causing atopy?
Intradermal allergy test
What is the most common cause of puritis in a 6 month old dog?
Flea bite dermatitis
What is the most likely cause of this skin condition?
Flea allergic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is caused by?
Type 1 hypersensativity reaction
Type 2 hypersensativity reaction
Type 3 hypersensativity reaction
Type 4 hypersensativity reaction
Type 1 hypersensativity reaction
What is the second most common cause for allergic dermatitis ina 4 month old puppy
Food allergens
Which of the following does not show fair to strong evidence to control puritus in an atopic dog?
Glucocorticoids (Prednisolone)
Cyclosporin A (Atopica)
Antihistamines (Chloreniramine)
Skin lipid therapy (Duoxo)
Antihistamines (Chloreniramine)
Carbohydrates is the most common type of food allergen in dogs and cats?
True or False
Hydrolysed food diets can be used to treat a food allergy. Which statement is false?
Protien paticle sizes are <3000 to 10,000 daltons in most foods
Hydrolized food is more unpalatable compared to regular diets
Owner compliance is easily obtained
The lipid and carbohhydrate source is also hypoallergenic
The lipid and carbohhydrate source is also hypoallergenic
Which ectoparasite causes the most intense pruritis?
Sarcoptes spp
A puppy presents with these lesions in the inguinal region- what is your likely diagnosis?
How would you treat a moderate pyotraumatic dermatitis after finding and treating the inciting cause?
Clean and shave the area, topical therapy (mupirocin/hydrocortizone)
Which of the following is not a cause of symmetrical alopecia in a cat?
Flea bite allergy
Psychogenic alopecia
Feline Leprosy
Feline Leprosy