Dermatology Flashcards
Aim for a…break in between courses of topical corticosteroids in patients with psoriasis
Aim for a 4 week break in between courses of topical corticosteroids in patients with psoriasis
whihc medication is known to exacerbate plaque psoriasis?
Beta-blockers are known to exacerbate plaque psoriasis
management of bowen’s disease
topical 5-fluorouracil
* typically used twice daily for 4 weeks
* often results in significant inflammation/erythema. Topical steroids are often given to control this
what is bowen’s disease
its features
The following factors may exacerbate psoriasis:
- trauma
- alcohol
- drugs: beta blockers, lithium, antimalarials (chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine), NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors, infliximab
withdrawal of systemic steroids
Streptococcal infection may trigger guttate psoriasis.
Eczema herpeticum definition
Eczema herpeticum describes a severe primary infection of the skin by herpes simplex virus 1 or 2.
Eczema herpeticum presentation and description of the rash
It is more commonly seen in children with atopic eczema and often presents as a rapidly progressing painful rash.
On examination, monomorphic punched-out erosions (circular, depressed, ulcerated lesions) usually 1-3 mm in diameter are typically seen.
eczema herpeticum management
As it is potentially life-threatening children should be admitted for IV aciclovir.
scabies features
scabies management and patient advice
crusted scabies presentation and management
The following factors predispose to the development of pressure ulcers:
Pressure ulcers develop in patients who are unable to move parts of their body due to illness, paralysis or advancing age. They typically develop over bony prominences such as the sacrum or heel.
The following factors predispose to the development of pressure ulcers:
* malnourishment
* incontinence: urinary and faecal
* lack of mobility
* pain (leads to a reduction in mobility)
score is widely used to screen for patients who are at risk of developing pressure areas
management of pressure ulcers
Acute onset of tear-drop scaly papules on trunk and limbs →
Acute onset of tear-drop scaly papules on trunk and limbs → ?guttate psoriasis
single most important prognostic factor in melanoma
Melanoma: the invasion depth of the tumour is the single most important prognostic factor
A non-healing painless ulcer associated with a chronic scar is indicative of
A non-healing painless ulcer associated with a chronic scar is indicative of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Which one of the following complications is most associated with psoralen + ultraviolet A light (PUVA) therapy?
squamous cell carcinoma