Derm/HEENT Flashcards
What are findings of placental steroid sulfatase deficiency? how is it inherited?
- prolonged labor, cryptorchidism, corneal opacities, ichthyosis
- X-linked recessive
What ichthyosis is associated with malodor and flexural involvement
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
Which ichthyosis have no flexural involvement
Steroid sulfatase deficiency (X-linked rec) and ichthyosis vulgaris (auto dom)
Triad of Sturge Weber?
port wine stain, seizures, glaucoma
Main characteristic of Von Hippel-Lindau?
Triad of McCune Albright?
endo (esp. hyperthyroidism), bones (polyostotic fibrous dysplasia), and skin (cafe au lait)
Triad of glaucoma?
photophobia, tearing, twitching
Stages of IP?
1 - vesicular
2 - verrucous
3 - hyperpigmented
4 - hypopigmented
4 things associated with corneal clouding?
forceps delivery
peters anomaly
NOT chorioretinitis
MCC overall of sensorineural hearing loss?
MCC of genetic sensorineural hearing loss?
- connexin mutation
If an infant does not progress to the ____ stage of vocalization by ____ months, there is concern for hearing loss
- canonical/babbling (normally 6-9 months)
- 11 months
If an infant has scaling or plaques in the diaper area that do not improve with anti-fungal, what should you think of?
psoriasis - tx with emollient and topical steroid
what’s found in IP lesions?
second MCC of stridor?
vocal cord paralysis (after laryngomalacia)
- usually due to cardiac surgery
- if bilateral - get MRI to look for Arnold-Chiari
bullous impetigo vs. SSSS location?
Bullous impetigo - periumbilical, diaper region, axillae - bullae cultures staph +
SSSS - super erythematous; begins at the face and goes downward, sheds like a “glove”; bullae are sterile
Clock hours needed for threshold ROP?
5 contiguous clock hours or 8 total clock hours with plus disease
6 things with coloboma
Goldenhar, Treacher Collins, cat eye, CHARGE, trisomy 13, 13q deletion
Other than infections, what metabolic disease can cause cataracts?
2 things with glaucoma
Sturge Weber and NF