Depositional Landforms Flashcards
What are drumlins?
Oval shaped hills, composed of glacial till aligned in the direction of flow. Typically a few km long. Generally have a smooth shape and appear in swarms from 10-1000
What are erratics?
They range in size, often associated with large boulders. It has been deposited ex-situ.
What are till plains?
Found when a large ice sheet of ice becomes detached from the main section of the glacier. As the detached ice melts, sediment is deposited in irregular heaps.
What are the 6 types of moraine?
Lateral, medial, englacial, push, recessional, terminal
What is a lateral moraine?
Consist of frost shattered material. Material scraped from the sides of the valley. Transported along the edges of the glacier.
What is a medial moraine?
When a smaller tributary glacier meets a large glacier, two lateral moraines meet and join in the centre of the glacier.
What is a terminal moraine?
Often crescent shaped which corresponds to the snout of the glacier. Meltwater can destroy these
What is an englacial moraine?
Transported within the ice, buried by snowfall, deposited by ablation
What is a recessional moraine?
Mounds of material which mark the retreat of the glacier
What is a push moraine?
May develop due to climate change. Already deposited moraine will be pushed into a mound. In these, stones are oriented in a more vertical positions than other moraines