Departure, Approach and Landing Procedures Flashcards
Who’s responsibility is it to avoid collision during taxi operations on maneuvering areas?
Joint controller and pilot responsibility
When must approval for engine start be requested by the PIC?
When notified by
- AIP Supplement
- ATC or
- Terminal airport chart
What must a pilot do before requesting a taxi clearance?
Listen to the current ATIS information.
May an aircraft taxi across illuminated stop bars when a taxi clearance has been given?
No, the stop bars need to be switched off. Confirm with ATC if conflicting messages occur.
What should a pilot do when wishing to depart off an intermediate holding point?
Request this during the taxi clearance.
Who is responsible for terrain clearance during departures?
It is the pilot responsibility to maintain terrain clearance except that when being radar vectored at certain altitudes until the pilot is being cleared a visual approach or commences an instrument approach or is instructed to maintain clearance visually.
When do domestic aircraft have to change to the tower frequency before departure?
At or near the holding point when ready for take-off. (International flights will be told by ground when to change to tower frequency)
When may an aircraft enter a runway?
When being cleared to do so for: - Take-off - Line-up - Backtrack - Cross and the stop bars have been switched off.
Does a line up clearance allow an aircraft to backtrack?
No. A separate back-tracking clearance needs to be sought.
May an aircraft hold on a runway?
No, unless permission from ATC has been give.
When may an aircraft take-off?
When it has been “Cleared for take-off” by ATC.
What is the separation minima for two departing aircraft off the same runway?
- The preceding aircraft is beyond the upwind end threshold
- The preceding aircraft has commenced a turn
- If the rwy is >1800M the preceding aircraft is at least 1800m ahead
- If the preceding aircraft is 7000kg or less and the following is 2000kg or less and is slower at least 600m are between the two
- If both are 2000kg or less at least 600m between the two
When may an aircraft take-off when lining up behind a landed aircraft?
When the landing aircraft has vacated the runway.
When may ATC offer and pilots request/accept a visual departure?
When weather is VMC till reaching the MVA or LSALT/MSA.
What must be included in a departure report on first contact with Centre, Approach or Departure in class C and D airspace?
- Direction of turn
- Heading turning on to
- Level passing through to nearest 100ft
- last assigned level.
What must be included in a departure report on first contact with Centre, Approach or Departure in class D airspace?
- Tracking info
- ## Last assigned altitude
When must an aircraft be established on track by?
5nm unless following a SID.
If frequency change instructions have been given before take-off by when must pilots establish contact with the departure/approach controller?
ASAP, preferably within 1 nm from takeoff
By when can a pilot expect a frequency change after take-off?
Prior to reaching 2000ft.
What speeds should be flown:
- Below 10,000ft?
- 20nm from touchdown
- 10nm from touchdown or IAF
- 5nm from touchdown
- 250kts or the speed published on the star
- 230kts
- 186-160kts
- 160-150kts
By when do the promulgated speeds have to be established?
On or just before reaching the promulgated point. (E.g.: 160kts on or just before reaching 5nm)
During a visual approach by day how low can an aircraft descend?
- for IFR not lower than 500ft above lowest CTA step
- for IFR and VFR not lower than CAR 157
During a visual approach by night how low can an aircraft descend?
- DGA steps
- 500 ft above CTA steps
- radar vector altitude
During a visual approach by night, when can an aircraft descend below LSALT/MSA, DGA, MVA, or 500ft above CTA steps?
- within circling area
- within 5nm established not below on slope of PAPI or T-VASIS (7nm if REY has ILS)
- within 10nm established not below on slope of ILS/GLS (14nm for RWY 16L/34L Sydney)
Is an RPT aircraft allowed to depart a non-controlled aerodrome without ATC clearance?
Normally the pilots should attempt to contact the local CEN station before taxi, but if this is not possible then take-off may be completed on a broadcast basis as long as:
- contact with the ground operation is established with immediate access to a phone, or
- a SARTIME for departure of not more than 30min from EOBT has been submitted.
Within how many miles of transiting an aerodrome should a pilot monitor the local CTAF frequency?
Which direction is a standard circuit pattern?
Left hand
What is the max recommended speed of aircraft in a circuit pattern?
What squawk code should an aircraft with communications failure transmit?
During take-off in a non-controlled aerodrome, what distance must be established between an aircraft taking off and another lining up for take-off?
The preceding aircraft should be:
- Passing the upwind end threshold or
- Have commenced a turn or
- If the rwy is more than 1800m long it is airborne and at least 1800m ahead
- If both aircraft are below 2000kg MTOW the preceding aircraft is at least 600m ahead.
What is the recommended circuit height for:
- High performance jets and turbo-props? (150kts or more)
- Medium performance piston (55 kts - 150 kts)
- Low performance ultralights/heli (max 55 kts)
- 1500 ft AGL
- 1000 ft AGL
- 500 ft AGL
What must be included in a taxi report to CEN at a non-controlled aerodrome?
- Aircraft type
- POB (not RPT)
- Location
- Destination/Departure Quadrant/Intentions
- Runway to be used.
If only one radio is present or an aircraft cannot monitor the the CEN frequency at a CTAF aerodrome, what must the pilot do?
The pilot must report to ATC that they will be transferring to CTAF (Location and Frequency).
What is the recommended distance for an aircraft from the departure end of the runway before turning to the opposite of the circuit direction during a departure?
3 nm
Within how many miles of an aerodrome must an aircraft be established when departing?
5 nm except when following a SID
What must be included in the departure report from a CTAF?
- Time
- Outbound track (or tracking to intercept track)
- Intended cruising level
- ETA for first enroute reporting point.
By what distance should a inbound reporting call on the local CTAF frequency be made to other aircraft?
10 nm or a distance commensurate with the speed and workload of an aircraft.
By what height should and aircraft be established on finals?
500 ft
Are straight-in approaches allowed?
They are not recommended. If they are flown the following should be applied:
- It should not provide conflict with other aircraft already in the circuit
- Must be established on final not less than 3 nm
- Transponder and lights should be turned on
- Aircraft on base have right of way
Within how many minutes after the ETA should the SARTIME be cancelled or extended?
10 min