Departure - Additional Questions Flashcards
What are pre-taxi clearance procedures? How do you determine if they are available?
What responsibilities does a pilot have concerning readback of ATC clearances and instructions?
Is an ATC clearance an authorization to deviate from any rule, regulation, or minimum altitude?
ATC may issue a “release” time to an IFR flight. What significance does this have?
ATC has cleared you for a SID that requires a minimum climb gradient of 600 feet per NM to 9,000 feet. You calculate you groundspeed in the climb to be 90 knots. What minimum rate of climb in feet per minute are you required to maintain during the climb?
What is the difference between a VFR Over-The-Top clearance and a VFR-On-Top clearance?
When departing from an airport without an ODP or SID, how will you ensure terrain/obstacle clearance until you reach published MEA?