Dentine + Pulp Flashcards
Which tissue forms the bulk of the tooth?
Which tissues of the tooth is dentine harder than/softer than?
Dentine is harder than bone and cementum, but soften than enamel
Dentine has greater compressive and tensile strength than enamel. What does this mean?
- Compressive strength: the ability to resist breaking under compression
- Tensile strength: the ability to endure tensile forces without breaking apart
Dentine is permeable. What does this mean?
Substances can move through it
What is the basic unit of dentine?
Dentinal tubules
Describe the content of dentine
- Hydroxyapatite (70% weight, 50% volume)
- Water (10% weight, 20% volume)
- Organic matrix (20% weight, 30% volume)
Which contains more organic matrix: enamel or dentine?
Dentine (20% compared to 1-2%)
Organic matrix gives dentine its compressive strength
Which direction does mineralisation occur in dentine?
What is dentine between tubules called?
Intertubular dentine
What is intratubular dentine/peritubular dentine?
Dentine created after original tubule becomes smaller
What type of curvature is present in dentine?
Primary and secondary curvature
What are the boundaries of dentinal tubules?
Tubules run from the amelo-dentine junction to the inner portion of the pulp
Which cells form dentine?
Where are odontoblasts located?
Inside the pulp
What is predentine?
- Predentine is an organised matrix that hasn’t been mineralised yet
- Predentine is formed throughout your lifetime