Dentin Hypersensitivity (Amaechi 10) Flashcards
Dentin hypersensitivity is a transient tooth pain, characterized by a short, sharp pain arising from ______ in response to ______ that cannot be attributed to any other form of dental defect or pathology
- exposed dentin
- stimulus
Two processes needed for one to experience dentin hypersensitivity
- Lesion localization
- Lesion Initiation
The most widely accepted mechanism of action for dentin hypersensitivity is the __________. This theory proposes that when dentin becomes exposed and ‘trigger’ stimuli occur, the ________ moves rapidly.
This results in _________, resulting in short, sharp pain
- hydrodynamic theory
- fluid in the tubule
- stimulation of the pulp nerves
Pain in response to cold, sometimes to heat
Thermal stimuli
Sensitivity in response to blowing air
Evaporative stimuli
Pain in response to touch e.g dental explorer, etc
Tactile stimuli
Pain in response to sugar/acid
Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity
- Identify
- Educate
- Recommend
The effectiveness of ______ as a product to reduce sensitivity is debatable. Recently, _____ has provided the more rapid result.
- potassium ions (present in toothpastes containing 5% potassium nitrate)
- Mechanical occlusion
Anti-sensitivity agents
- Gluma
- Fluoride varnishes
- Dentin bonding agent
- Adhesively retained resins
- Glass ionomer
- Calcium sodium Phosphosilicate products (Novamin)
- Tricalcium phosphate
- Theobromine
- Arginine-Calciumbicarbonate/carbonate (SensiStat)
- Potassium Oxalate
- Carries Ca and PO4 in a glass which when comes in contact with saliva and water, it reacts and releases Ca and PO4 ions.
- Physically occludes dentin tubules to protect the nerve and prevent pain
- Relief of root surface hypersensitivity
Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity
Nano-Hydroxyapatite toothpaste and Creme
- Arginine complex binds to the tooth surface and allows the calcium carbonate to slowly dissolve and release calcium
- Seals dentinal tubules to stop fluid movement in the tubules that elicit pain
- Relief of root surface hypersensitivity
- Carries Ca and PO4 in a glass which when comes in contact with saliva and water, it reacts and releases Ca and PO4 ions.
- Physically occludes dentin tubules to protect the nerve and prevent pain
- Relief of root surface hypersensitivity
Potasium Oxalate e,g. Remesense™, Super Seal™
Establish Care Regime to…
- check patient compliance
- monitor wear
- reinforce advice
- encourage maintenance of changed behavior