Dementia Flashcards
Language Symptoms:
Verbal and literal paraphasias Problems comprehending abstract meanings Impaired picture description Echolalia Palilalia Logoclonia (repeating the final syllable of words) empty jargon
Alzhemier Language Symptoms:
General Symptoms:
- severe problems recalling remote and recent events
- widespread intellectual deterioration
- Hyperactivity
- Restlessness
- Agitation
- Seizures
- Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations
- Aggression
Later-stage symptoms
Primary Progressive Aphasia
3 variants: nonfluent, semantic, logopenic
Language Symptoms:
Slow speech Moderate naming difficulties Severe difficulty repeating phrases and sentences Impaired sentence comprehension Behavioral changes
Logopenic PPA
Infectious dementia:
HIV, Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Alzheimer Type
- Most common
- 60-70% irreversible kind
- 2 subtypes: early onset (60-65) and late onset (70-80)
Dementia with Parkinson’s
- Basal ganglia
- Presence of Lewy Bodies
- Frontal lobe atrophy
- Reduced inhibitory dopamine
- Neurofibrillary tangles and plaques (as found in AD)
Language Symptoms:
Loss of word meaning Excessive and disinhibited speech Visual agnosia and prosopagnosia Behavior changes Shorter sentences
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Dementia with Huntington’s
Loss of neurons in basal ganglia
Atrophy in prefrontal and parietal lobes
Reduced inhibitory transmitters, especially GABA
General Symptoms:
- subtle memory problems
- pronounced difficulty learning new tasks
- poor reasoning and judgement
- behavior changes
Early-stage symptoms
Alzheimer Type
- Neurofibrillary tangles
- neuritic plaques
- neuronal loss
- Neurochemical changes
Language Symptoms:
- Deterioration of intellectual functions
- Impaired word list generation
- Naming problems
- D-ysarthria
- Incontinence, sleep disturbances
- muteness
Dementia with Huntington’s
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Frontotemporal lobes
General Symptoms:
Chorea Tic like movements Gait Slow movement Behavior disorders
Dementia with Huntington’s
General Symptoms:
Bradykinesia Tremors o Muscle rigidity Mask like face Reduced eye blinking Swallowing
Dementia with Parkinson’s