deman and supply dynamic for sequential release products --> Elbergse & Eliashberg, 2003 Flashcards
article in a nutshell
movie industry
demand and supply interrelated within and across markets
longer time-lag between releases = weaker relationship between domestic + foreign market performances
- buzz generated in home market wears out
two determinants affecting behaviour of movie exhibitors - screen allocations and revenues - within country dynamics
playability - legs, longevity, WoM
marketability - movie attributes
experience effect, initial market performance influence on subsequent market - across country dynamics
strengthens with longer time lags
- herd behavior, cascades, success breeds success
weaken with longer time lags
- buzz has short life span
–> supported
national movie performance
supply: screen share / availability
- making product available
demand: box office revenues
- adopting product
international movie performance
performance of initial market
- domestic
time lag between initial & subsequent
- domestic and foreign
other influences on movie performance
movie attributes
distributor characteristics
3rd party evaluators
competitive environment
Q: explain relationship between critics’ reviews and the number of opening screens
critical acclaim has a (+) effect on box office revenues
- opening weeks
exhibitors use reviews as a proxy for WoM effect
main driver of long-term demand for a movie
(+) reviews reduce to the need for exhibitors to allocate more screen
- after opening weeks
aniticipate movies longer life cycle
generate more revenues in subsequent weeks
critically acclaimed films can gain
of screens later
platform release
week 1 mediators/moderaters?
movie attributes
critical acclaim
week 2 mediators/moderators
week 3 mediators/moderators
demand = sales revenues - findings
expected revenue key determinant of # of screens
supply = availability - findings
of screens is a key determinant of revenues