Delivering powerful Demos Flashcards
When should you NOT do a demo?
If you don’t have a clear idea of what problem you’re solving, don’t do a demo
What is fluffer?
Fluffer is people who are meeting with you to go through the motions (maybe as part of a competitor tick-off) and don’t really want to buy
How should every call you do start?
Always do an intro (if there are new people)
And ALWAYS do an agenda
If you’re running a multi stakeholder demo, what should you do before?
Always check with your champion on what matters to the people in the meeting + ensure the demo is tailored.
How should you build the agenda out before the meeting?
You should email every attendee INDIVIDUALLY, send them the agenda and ask them to contribute to it
What should you not do with a demo?
Just churn out the same demo time and time again with 0 personalisation. It’s boring for you and the prospect + leads to very low conversion rates
What is a demo all about?
It’s all about IMPACT
How is impact driven?
By going into one really painful topic for them and going very deep into it
How much of your total product does your prospect care about?
Probably 20%. Only show them this 20% as that’s all they care about.
Find what 20% it is, and go deep here
How long should your initial demo phase be?
No longer than 10 minutes. If they ask to see more, you can go back into the demo.
But the first demo should be 10 mins highly focused on the 20% they’re interested in.
What should you show first?
The best bit; go straight into the highest impact part of the product. Keep them here, no need for a long build up
How should you preface each feature demo?
Show the status quo / their current process first + explain why it doesn’t work
How can you re-enforce your demo at the end of the feature?
Client story of a similar business that solved this problem
How should you handle objections?
With a clarifying question, don’t answer the question straight away
How should you lead a Q+A?
Ask open questions, not closed questions
‘What questions do you have?’
Directly speak to people and ask them ‘how did you find the presentation solved [X problem]?’
How should you properly follow up?
Individually email each attendee with relevant info (some might need a meeting invite, some might just need a thank you)
How long should your Q+A be?
10 mins. If there are no questions, this is a red flag.
3 in-demo questions you should ask as you go along?
“What has stood out the most so far?”
“What would this allow your team to do differently?”
“How else would you leverage this if you had this solution available, say tomorrow?”
When should you ask impact questions in a demo?
After several solutions have been presented. Stopping too early or after every feature is just annoying for the prospect.
What should you make sure you leave enough time for?
Next steps, make sure you have enough time. Take 5 mins from the discovery / demo to make sure you have time
Do you need to discover 5 different pains?
No, you just need to find their most painful pain. Find this, show the solution to this, spend enough time on next steps + filling out MEDDPICC
What is the most important thing to find in the first meeting?
The business impact. The ‘so what’?
If there’s multiple people on the call, how do you engage?
Speak to them directly, ask questions to people not participating
What is a phrase to remember whilst demo’ing to prevent over explaining?
What do you show first in any demo?
The solution that solves their biggest pain. Show the solution to the pain + shut up
What is a demo?
It’s a conversation, not a presentation. Make sure you ask questions throughout the demo to keep them engaged.
What questions do you need to ask when they bring up other key decision makers?
Ask what they care about and what the decision criteria is.
If they ask, “let me just see the demo”, what do you say?
I understand you just want to see the product but we have over 80 features and I need to make sure we’re going down the right track + I know exactly if/how we can help.