"Deliver" bingo card Flashcards
Total abruptio placenta
complete or partial separation of a normally located placenta from its uterine site before the delivery of the fetus. third trimester of pregnancy - contributing factors -
Mothers who are Rh- baby Rh +, treats (ITP-idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) Cell disorder that can lead to easy or excessive bruising. - low levels of platelets - NI: observe newborn for hyperbilirubinemia. give IM within 72 hr after delivery.
Nagele’s rule
formula for calculating estimated date of confinement or estimated date of birth. Subtract 3 months and add 7 days to the first day of the last menstural period
T-toxoplasmosis, O-other(GBS, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, varicella) R-Rubella, C-Cytomegalovirus, H-Herpes infections,
Uterine Atony
Loss of uterine musculature - lack of uterine muscle contraction postpartum, cause of 75-85% of post partum hemorrhages.
Taking-in phase
new mothers response to new born. first few days right after birth. critical role in mother-child bond.
vacuum assisted birth
attachment of a vacuum cup to the fetal head to assist in birth of the head. NI: place in lithotomy position and support with pushing. monitor for bladder distention before application
Epidural block
consists of a local anesthetic along with analgesic morphone or rent injected into the epidural space at level of the fourth or fifth vertebra - hypotension is most common side effect. NI: admix 1L IV fluid bolus before epidural anesthesia. assist client to turn side to side every hour. assist with standing and walking first time after sensation returns.
to little amniotic fluid during pregnancy. if fluid is < 5cm, if happens during 6 six months will cause serious problems, some known causes - high blood pressure, diabetes, post term pregnancy.
Forcep assitive birth
instrument used to aid in delivery of fetal head. indications - poor progress, fetal distress, persistent occiuput posterior position, abnormal presentation - NI: check FHR before traction is applied
Gestation diabetes
impaired tolerance to glucose - ideal level 70-110 during pregnancy - usually in 2nd or 3rd trimester - contributing factors - obesity, mother older 25 years, family history of diabetes, previous delivery - tests - urine test, blood test, glucose tolerance test, (drink load of glucose followed by checking one hour later - glucose of 140 ) - NI: monitor A1C, ketones, NST NI: diet exercise,
Insulin needs of mother
Insulin needs decrease in first trimester and increase in 2nd and 3rd trimesters. oral hypogycemics are NOT used in pregnancy, if medication is needed insulin will be used
Pudendal block
provides local anesthesia to the perineum, vulva and rectal areas during delivery. it is administered 10-20 mins before delivery
Anesthesia Nursing interventions
administer 1 L IV fluid bolus before epidural anesthesia(help maintain BP), monitor platelet count prior to initiation of epidural, assist in sitting or side lying position, monitor BP often, monitor for bladder distention, assist to turn side to side every hour,
postpartum infection
temp normally elevated to 100.4 first 24 hours after delivery, WBC may be elevated to 20,000-25,000 first 10-14 days, do not “assume normal”
Braxton Hick’s
irregular, do not increase in frequency or intensity. usually felt in lower back or the abdomen above umbilicus. decrease with walking or position changes. often cease with sleep, comfort measures, oral hydration and emptying of bladder.
procedure used for prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnormalities and fetal infections, sex of the baby, sampled from the amniotic sac, lung maturity, performed 15-20 week of pregnancy. complications - preterm labor and delivery,, fetal trauma, infection.
Chorionic Villi sample
early prenatal test (before 15 weeks) to detect genetic abnormalities
hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin
stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum. production of hCG begins on the day of implant ion and can be detected by day 6.
test perfomed on new baby at 1 and 5 mins. first test is how baby tolerated birth process. 2nd tells how well baby is doing in breathing, heart rate, muscle tone, reflexes, skin color. 0,1,2 scores. Normal 7-9
amniotic fluid emboli
rare but serious - amniotic fluid or fetal material such as hair enters the mothers blood stream. symptoms - SOB, excess fluid in lungs, sudden low BP, cardiovascular collapse, N&V, rapid HR