Defintions Flashcards
A-C economy
System in which schools ration their time, effort and resources making sure to concentrate on those pupils they believe as having potential to get 5 grades at A-C at GCSEs in order to boost league table position
Form of streaming
Where children are separated into different ability groups. Then each ability group is then taught separately from all others for all subjects
All schools are the same, no selection, no elitism, just introduce local pupils info local schools
A type of industrial production based on a detailed division of labour, uses closely structured, low skilled workers-mass production
A type of industrial production. A highly skilled adaptable work force. Able to respond quickly to changing consumer demands and produce number of niche markets
Hidden curriculum
All those things learnt without being formally taught and often found trough the everyday workings of school e.g. obedience, alienation, socialisation
Legitimation on inequality
Education making the inequality justified and the result of a favoured meritocratic system, looks like fair system with fair opportunities, ideology created to disguise it’s true cause
The policy of introducing market forces of supply and demand into areas run by the state. Education is becoming a market, encouraging competition and choice by parents
Myth of meritocracy
Society is based on principle of each person’s position in structure being result of effort and hard work. However, this is a myth, don’t get placed on merit, down to labels and expectations
Based on ideology of parental choice of school. Middle class parents may be at an advantage as they have economic and cultural capital
A process that results in the creation of two opposite extremes. Pupils responses to schools on can create pro-school subculture and anti-school subculture
The process of choosing and allocating pupils to particular schools, class, stream
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Form of labelling, prediction made about a person or group comes true simply because it has been made e.g teachers predicting some pupils to do badly, discouraging them from trying making predictions come true
Restricted code
Simple and straightforward language, not complex and dominates the working class-education becomes more tough and more difficult to understand
Elaborated code
More ways to talk, wider variety and expanded and elaborated language. It is inaccessible to poorer students as they are not surrounded by elaborated codes and culture
A group of people within society that share norms, values, beliefs and attitudes that are in some way different or opposed to mainstream culture