definitions of abnormality Flashcards
Why are there 3 definitions of abnormal behaviour?
Because there’s no single adequate definition for the word
What are the 3 definitions of abnormal behaviour
Deviation from social norms
Failure to function adequately
Deviation from ideal mental health
Explain deviation from social norms
3 points
Standards of acceptable behaviour are set by social a group. These are social norms
Anything that deviates from acceptable behaviour is considered abnormal
And what is acceptable nay change over time (e.g. homosexuality back in the 70 and 80 was abnormal even considered a mental illnes) now it no longer is with same sex marriage even being allowed to take place
What are the 3 limitations for the deviation from social norms definition
Susceptible to abuse
Deviance is relates to context and degree
Cultural relativism
Explain susceptible to abuse in terms of deviation from social norms
It can lead to the exclusion of no conformists or political dissenters because social norms change as times change. What may be acceptable now may not have been before e.g. (homosexuality), also in Russia a in the 50s anyone who disagreed with the state was called insane.
Talk about deviance is related to context and degree in terms of deviance from social norms
A person on a beach half naked is normal, but the same out fur in the middle of the city is abnormal and indicates a mental disorder
So social deviance on its own can’t offer a complete definition of abnormality because it’s related to both context and degree.
Being rude is deviant behaviour but not evidence of mental illnes
Talk about cultural relativism in terms of deviance
Disorder are diagnoses or defines in different ways in different places
This lead to a difference in diagnosis. For instance, for schizo, a UK psychologist may not decide to diagnose someone with it but in uk the very same person is diagnosed due to different diagnosis , classification systems and definitions
So there’s no no universal standards or rules for labelling a behaviour and abnormal cz definitions are influenced by social norms
Talk about failure to function adequately
This is when a person isn’t able to cope with everyday life demands (go to work, eat I’m public, wash clothes etc)
So abnormal behaviour interferes with day to day living
This leads to the indv seeking help once they feel they’re behaving abnormally
What are the 3 limitations
Who judges
Adaptive or maladaptive
Cultural relativism
Talk about who judges in terms of definition 2
The problem is that the patient may feel they are being abnormal
But at other times they may think they are perfectly ok even though those around them would disagree
So who is to say when this patient must seek help?
E.g. schizo many feel they’re ok but quire clearly act abnormally
Talk about adaptive or maladaptive in terms of definition 2
Some dysfunctional behaviour can actually be adaptive abd functional for the indv
E.g. transvestites may may make a loving out of cross dressing. Indv with eating disorder might like extra attention
Talk about cultural relativism in terms of definition 2
Definitions of adequate functioning is also related to cultural ideas of how one should live
So the diagnosis in one culture may be different to another
Describe deviation from ideal mental health
The absence of 6 criteria indicate abnormality. Like absence of signs illnessical health indicate signs of physical illness
Who came up with the deviation from ideal mental health
Marie jahoda
What are the six criteria for definition 3
Self attitudes: having high self esteem and sense of self identity
Personal growth: the extent to which an indv develops their full capabilities
Integration: E. G.being able to cope with stressful situation
Autonomy: being independent and self regulating
Having an accurate perception of reality
Mastery of the environment: ability to live, adjust to new situations, and solve problems
3 limitation fo definition 3?
Who can achieve all these criteria
Is mental health the same as physical health
Cultural relativism
Talk about who can achieve all these things
According to criteria most of us are abnormal to some extent
How many need to be lacking for us to be considered abnormal?
Talk about is mental health the same as physical health
It’s possible that some mental illnesses are a cussed by physical illnesses, they’re a consequence. So its unlikely that we could diagnose mental abnormality the same way we can diagnose physical abnormality
Talk about cultural relativism in definition 3
Many if the criteria could only be applied to western and not non western cultures.
Eg. Personal growth is a a characteristic of an individualist culture not a collectivist one.
So the incidence of abnormality of non westerners when using this definition will definitely be different, it’s not adequate enough.