Definitions Flashcards
BMD at hip or spine between 1.0 and 2.5 SD below the young, normal population
- Inflammation of one or more diverticula.
- Pain/Cramping LLQ
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Slight Fever
- Elevated WBC
- Patient can be aroused from sleep only with painful stimuli
- Verbal responses are slow or absent
- Patient returns to unresponsive state when stimuli are removed
- Demonstrates minimal awareness of self/environment
Unresponsive Vigilance/Vergetative State
- A state characterized by the return of sleep/wake cycles
- Normalization of vegetative functions
- Respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion
- Lack of cognitive responsiveness
- Can be aroused but is unaware
Decerebrate Rigidity
- Lesions between the superior colliculus and the vestibular nucleus
- Increase tone in rigid extension in all four limbs
Presbycusis Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss associated with middle and older ages. High frequency first.
Acute Lymphangitis
- Acute bacterial infection spreading throughout the lymph system
- Bacteria is typically streptococcal
Decorticate Rigidity
- Lesions above superior colliculus
- Increase tone in rigid flexion of upper extremity and extension in all lower extremity
Work Intensity: Heavy
- 50 lbs: frequently
- 20 lbs: constantly
- 6.4-7.5 METs
A True Positive
Hoarseness/Vocal Cord Paralysis
Flexor (Withdrawal) Reflexes
Stimulus: Cutaneous Sensory Stimuli
Conductive Hearing Loss
Mechanical hearing loss from damage to external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, or middle ear ossicles
A True Negative
- State of unconsciousness from which patient cannot be aroused
- Eyes remain closed
- No response to external stimuli or environment
Work Intensity: Sedentary
- Up to 10 lbs of force: occasionally
- Negligible weight: frequently/constantly
- 1.5-2.1 METs
- Increased intraocular pressure, with degeneration of optic disc, atrophy of optic nerve
- Results in early loss of peripheral vision.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Central or neural hearing loss from multiple factors: noise damage, trauma, disease, drugs
Gamma Fibers
Motor to Muscle Spindles
Secondary Lymphatic Disease
- Acquired condition due to trauma, surgery, radiation, or other diseases
Ability to identify simlar size/shaped objects placed in the hand with different gradations of weight
Zone of Coagulation
Cells are irreversibly injured, cell death occurs
Persistent Vegetative State
- A state lasting >1 year for TBI
- >3 months for anoxic brain injury.
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Blood supply interrupted to the femoral head
Boutonniere Deformity
- Results from a rupture of central tendinous slip of extensor hood.
- Observe for extension of MCP/DIP and flexion of PIP.
- Excess Sweating and Cool/Clammy Skin
- Possible sign of decreased cardiac output/low O2
Zone of Stasis
Cells are injured; may die without specialized treatment, usually within 24-48 hours
Fluent Aphasia
- Wernicke’s Aphasia Spontaneous speech is preserved and flows smoothly
- Auditory Comprehension is Impaired
Delta Fibers
An A fiber type that is associated w/ pain, touch, and temperature
Primary Lymphatic Disease
- Congenital condition
- Malformation of lymph nodes/vessels
- Local Redness
- Eruption of Skin
- Indication of inflammation, vasomotor disturbances, skin diseases, or when taking medications
- Pouch-like herniations of the colon, especially the sigmoid colon
- Symptoms are minimal but can include rectal bleeding
- Diverticulosis can lead to diverticulitis
Work Intensity: Very Heavy
- >100 lbs: occasionally
- >50 lbs: frequently
- >20 lbs: constantly
- >7.5 METs
Movement Adaptation Syndrome (MAS)
Habituation of compensatory movement patterns that contributes to persistence of pain
Zone of Hyperemia
Minimal cell injury, cells should recover
Ability to identify numbers, letters, or symbols traced on skin
- Fracture of the par interarticularis with positive “Scotty Dog”
- Anterior or posterior slippage of one vertebra on another.
Correlational Research
- Determine whether a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables w/o manipulation
- Examples:
- Retrospective/prospective, descriptive and predictive correlation research
Alpha Fibers
Somatic Motor and Proprioception Function
- Excessively Dry Skin
- Indication of thyroid deficiency or diabetes
Pes Planus
Flat foot
Inverse Stretch (Myotatic) Reflexes
Stimulus: Muscle Contraction
- Lymphatic diease characterized by enlargement of nodes
- May or may not be tender
Ability to identify familiar objects placed in the hand by touch
Work Intensity: Light
- Up to 20 lbs: occasionally
- 10 lbs: frequently
- Negligble weight: constantly
- 2.2-3.5 METs
Swan Neck Deformity
- Results from contracture of intrinsic muscles with dorsal subluxation of lateral extensor tendons.
- Observe for flexion of MCP/DIP and extension of PIP.
Panner’s Disease
Avascular necrosis of capitellum
Difficulty Swallowing
Causal-Comparative Research
- Define cause and effect through group comparisions
- Ex post facto research is when independent variable has already occured and cannot be manipulated.
- Groups are compared based on dependent variable
Crossed Extension Reflexes
Stimulus: Noxious Stimuli
Work Intensity: Medium
- Up to 50 lbs: occasionally
- 20 lbs: frequently
- 10 lbs: constantly
- 3.6-6.3 METs
- Patient appears drowsy
- Can open eyes and look at examiner
- Respond to questions
- Falls asleep easily
Difficulty Articulating Words Clearly
Stemmer’s Sign
- Dorsal skin folds of the toes or fingers are resistant to lifting
- Indicative of fibrotic changes/lymphedema
- Opacity, clouding of lens due to changes in lens proteins, results in gradual loss of vision
- Central first, then peripheral.
Stretch (Myotatic) Reflexes
Stimulus: Muscle Stretch
“Unhappy” Triad
- ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus injury
- Resulting from a valgum, flexion, and ER force.
Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Observe for as banding on palm and digit flexion contractures
- Resulting from contracture of palmar fascia.
- Affects men>woman
- Affects MCP and PIP of 4th and 5th digits in nondiabetic individuals
- Affects MCP and PIP 3rd and 4th digits of diabetic individuals
Descriptive Research
- Collecting data about conditions, attitudes or characteristics.
- Reports existing phenomena/data collection is typically done through survey, interview or observation.
- Example: case study
Postural Stress Syndrome (PSS)
Abnormal shortening of lengthening of muscles/ligaments
- Patient can open eyes/look at examiner
- Responds slowly and is confused
- Demonstrates decreased alertness/interest in environment
Nonfluent Aphasia
Broca’s Motor Aphasia Verbal Apraxia Dysarthria
Beta Fibers
Pressure and Touch
BMD at hip or spine >/= 2.5 SD below the young, normal population
- Dilation of lymph vessels
- May appear as blister-like protuberances
Leakage of lymph from the skin surface
Development of warty groths on the skin that contain dilated lymph vessels/fibrous tissue
- Thickening/hardening of the subcutaneous tissue and brown skin discoloration
- Associated with chronic venous insufficiency and severe lymph tissue damage
Procedural Pain
Pain associated w/ treatment of lymphedema
Incident Pain
Pain caused by daily activities
Background Pain
Intermittent or continuous pain at rest
Crackles (Rales, Crepitations)
- Crackling sound heard usually during inspiration
- Indicates pathology
- Atelectasis
- Fibrosis
- Pulmonary Edema
- Musically pitched sound, usually heard during expiration
- Caused by areway obstruction:
- Asthma
- Foreign Body Aspiration
- Air in the pleural space
- Confirmation by CXR
- Collasped or airless alveolar unit
- Caused by:
- Hypoventilation secondary to pain
- Internal bronchial obstruction
- External broncial compression
- Low tidal volume
- Neurological insult
- Used for most lung resections
- Incision follows path of fourth intercostal space
- Full ROM should be encouraged posoperatively
- Bleeding into joint spaces
- Most common in:
- Knee
- Ankles
- Elbows
- Hips
Lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax and food is traped in the esophagus
- Irreversible chronic injury of the hepatic parenchyma as a result of chronic hepatitis
- Clinical Manifestations
- Jaundice
- Peripheral Edema
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Palmar Erthema
- Angiomas
- Hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly
- Ascites
- Accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
- Visual loss in middle/older ages
- Inability to focus properly/blurred images due to loss of accommodation, elasticity of lens
Meniere’s Disease
- Episodic attacks characterized by tinnitus, dizziness, and sensation of fullness or pressure in ears
- May also experience sensorineural hearing loss
- Fluctuating attention state causing temporary confusion and loss of mental function; an acute disorder, potentially reversible
- Etiology
- Drug toxicity and/or systemic illness, O2 deprivation, environmental changes and sensory deprivation
- Acquired disorder of cognitive and behavioral impairment causing dysfunction in daily living