Definitions Flashcards
BMD at hip or spine between 1.0 and 2.5 SD below the young, normal population
- Inflammation of one or more diverticula.
- Pain/Cramping LLQ
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Slight Fever
- Elevated WBC
- Patient can be aroused from sleep only with painful stimuli
- Verbal responses are slow or absent
- Patient returns to unresponsive state when stimuli are removed
- Demonstrates minimal awareness of self/environment
Unresponsive Vigilance/Vergetative State
- A state characterized by the return of sleep/wake cycles
- Normalization of vegetative functions
- Respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion
- Lack of cognitive responsiveness
- Can be aroused but is unaware
Decerebrate Rigidity
- Lesions between the superior colliculus and the vestibular nucleus
- Increase tone in rigid extension in all four limbs
Presbycusis Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss associated with middle and older ages. High frequency first.
Acute Lymphangitis
- Acute bacterial infection spreading throughout the lymph system
- Bacteria is typically streptococcal
Decorticate Rigidity
- Lesions above superior colliculus
- Increase tone in rigid flexion of upper extremity and extension in all lower extremity
Work Intensity: Heavy
- 50 lbs: frequently
- 20 lbs: constantly
- 6.4-7.5 METs
A True Positive
Hoarseness/Vocal Cord Paralysis
Flexor (Withdrawal) Reflexes
Stimulus: Cutaneous Sensory Stimuli
Conductive Hearing Loss
Mechanical hearing loss from damage to external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, or middle ear ossicles
A True Negative
- State of unconsciousness from which patient cannot be aroused
- Eyes remain closed
- No response to external stimuli or environment
Work Intensity: Sedentary
- Up to 10 lbs of force: occasionally
- Negligible weight: frequently/constantly
- 1.5-2.1 METs
- Increased intraocular pressure, with degeneration of optic disc, atrophy of optic nerve
- Results in early loss of peripheral vision.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Central or neural hearing loss from multiple factors: noise damage, trauma, disease, drugs
Gamma Fibers
Motor to Muscle Spindles
Secondary Lymphatic Disease
- Acquired condition due to trauma, surgery, radiation, or other diseases
Ability to identify simlar size/shaped objects placed in the hand with different gradations of weight
Zone of Coagulation
Cells are irreversibly injured, cell death occurs
Persistent Vegetative State
- A state lasting >1 year for TBI
- >3 months for anoxic brain injury.
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Blood supply interrupted to the femoral head
Boutonniere Deformity
- Results from a rupture of central tendinous slip of extensor hood.
- Observe for extension of MCP/DIP and flexion of PIP.
- Excess Sweating and Cool/Clammy Skin
- Possible sign of decreased cardiac output/low O2
Zone of Stasis
Cells are injured; may die without specialized treatment, usually within 24-48 hours
Fluent Aphasia
- Wernicke’s Aphasia Spontaneous speech is preserved and flows smoothly
- Auditory Comprehension is Impaired
Delta Fibers
An A fiber type that is associated w/ pain, touch, and temperature
Primary Lymphatic Disease
- Congenital condition
- Malformation of lymph nodes/vessels
- Local Redness
- Eruption of Skin
- Indication of inflammation, vasomotor disturbances, skin diseases, or when taking medications
- Pouch-like herniations of the colon, especially the sigmoid colon
- Symptoms are minimal but can include rectal bleeding
- Diverticulosis can lead to diverticulitis
Work Intensity: Very Heavy
- >100 lbs: occasionally
- >50 lbs: frequently
- >20 lbs: constantly
- >7.5 METs