Definitions Flashcards
Main airport?
ARAC approval for scheduled RPT operations and listed in the Jetstar AOC Operations Specification.
Alternate airport?
Airport specified in the flight plan to which a flight may proceed if it becomes inadvisable to land at the intended aerodrome. A Main airport may be nominated as an alternate.
Isolated airport?
An airport that does not have an Alternate airport available.
Emergency airport?
An airport where it is reasonable to expect to safely land the aircraft if there is an immediate risk to the safety of the flight.
Suitable airport?
A company Main, Alternate or Adequate that is forecast to be available as an alternate for the applicable period.
Adequate airport?
An airport assessed in accordance with CAO 82.0. Considerations include:
- Physical requirements
- Meteorological requirements
- Availability of instrument approach
ETOPS Adequate airport?
Satisfies CAO 82.0 Appendix 2
Following criteria:
- Availability
- Overflight and landing authorisation
- Ground operational assistance capability
- At least one compatible navaid to at least circling minima
- Airport rescue and fire fighting service
- Provision for a recovery plan
CB avoidance
20nm when above FL250
Alternate Minima?
Published SLAM or higher of:
- 2000’ agl and 7000m vis
- Published state alt minima in Jeppesens
IAF speeds (Cat C)
FAF speeds (Cat C)
Circling speed
Missed approach speed
ETOPS 60min range (A320)
Holding speeds (Cat C)
230kts up to FL140
240kts up to FL200
265kts above FL200
DDG repair intervals?
A - No standard interval
B - 3 days
C - 10 days
D - 120 days
RAISE Model?
R - Relay information A - Ask a question I - I statement S - Solution statement E - Emergency statement
Separation behind Heavy?
3mins for intersection
2mins for all others
5nm distance
Separation behind Super?
4mins for intersection
3mins for all other
7nm distance
Visual approach during day? (5 items)
- Within 30nm
- Clear of cloud
- Ground/water in sight
- Vis > 5km
- Can maintain above criteria
Visual approach at night?
- Clear of cloud
- Ground/water in sight
- Vis > 5km
- within 5nm and lined up on C/L at airport with PAPI/T-VASIS, or
- within 10nm and on C/L at airport with ILS (14nm SY 16L/34L)