Definitions Flashcards
The power to command others.
Having to answer to someone for the way one meets one’s responsibility.
Autocratic leader
A leader that does not delegate and holds all decision-making to himself.
Behavior modeling
A visual training approach designed to teach attitudes and proper modes of behavior by involving supervisors and others in real life performances
The transmission of too much information at one time.
A questioning technique used by the interviewer to prevent the interviewee from straying from the subject matter being discussed
- Any action or statement by subordinate it comes to the attention of a manager and which clearly indicates displeasure concerning an on the job relationship or a condition of employment.
- An allegation of job related wrongdoing or a criminal misconduct that is lodged against an employee of a law enforcement agency.
Direct interview
An interview that is both planned and controlled by the interviewer.
A type of question that takes the last few words stated and uses them to ask a question.
Effective listening
Listening in a way that invites and encourages a subject to open up and talk freely.
The cognitive understanding and appreciation of another persons point of view.
Forced choice method
An evaluation method that requires the rater to select one statement that best describes the rate with regard to the dimension listed.
Functional authority
Exists when a Specialist is authorized by agency policy to issue binding orders.
Formal managerial authority
The power or right to command, enforce obedience, or make decisions.
Indirect interview
An interview that is planned by the interviewer but controlled by the person being interviewed, the interviewee.
Interpersonal skills
Skills needed to work in harmony with subordinates, peers, and superiors.
Laissez-faire leader
A leader that exercise a minimum of control over subordinates.
- The process of influencing organizational members to use their energies willingly and appropriately to facilitate the achievement of the police departments goals.
- The ability to get work done with and through others, while simultaneously winning their respect, confidence, loyalty, and winning cooperation.
Line authority
Authority that allows managers to exercise direct control over subordinate.
- The process of directing and controlling the resources of an organization.
- A process or activity whereby the human and material resources of a formal organization are coordinated to achieve specific goals.
Model employee method
An evaluation method that sets out by defining the model employee who has optimal attributes for a particular job position.
It individuals state of mind with respect to such things as his personal well-being, family life, and his job.
Negative discipline
The melting out of forms of punishment for wrong or inappropriate Job related conduct.
The goals of the unit that must be reached within a specific time period.
Overshadowing effect
Allows a general impression of the rater to be created based on one or two traits instead of basing his evaluation on the entire span of dimensions
Positive discipline
The training in counseling of subordinates that results in willing and voluntary compliance with the rules and regulations of organization
Self planning
Hey supervisor planning his own efforts and time
Also known as filtering, the process whereby a sender has received information along the loop, but sifts it before sending it along.
Span of control
A managerial principle that emphasizes that there is a limit to the number of subordinates a supervisor effectively manage.
Staff specialist method
Evaluation system where the rater is interviewed by personnel specialist about his subordinates.
Staff authority
Authority possessed by all managers who act in an advisory capacity to other managers.
Anything in the surrounding environment that interferes with sending and receiving information
The management of workers
Tactic order
An order that implies that something should be done and then usually leaves how it is to be done up to the subordinate.
Top to bottom method
An evaluation method the merely places ratee’s in rank order.
a process conducted by an agency to help its members do better in their present or future jobs by influencing their attitudes, skills or knowledge.
Unity of command
Requires that every employee be under the direct control of only one supervisor, his immediate supervisor.