Chapter 14 Flashcards
Why are guidelines necessary in handling field operations?
- The use of guidelines serves as check against unbridled discretion.
- They also serve as a standard for officers to aid them in ensuring that certain must do steps have been taken in field operations.
- Guidelines aid supervisor in evaluation performance of an officer and training new personnel.
Explain why officer discretion is a necessary part of law enforcement
- Law enforcement officers simply do not have the resources to enforce every statute in each instance of a violation
How do written guidelines protect the officer?
- Written guidelines allow and officer to review in advance what actions should be taken in a particular situation. Written policies and procedures are easier to disseminate to an entire agency and are less confusing
What is probably the most important factor in determining whether or not an incident should be considered and unusual occurrence?
- The need to know expeditiously on the part of the head of the agency. Should the sheriff know about this and should he know now? An affirmative answer qualifies the situation
What is the goal of a supervisor at the scene of an unusual occurrence?
- The supervisor must ensure proper emergency action is taken. Should seek to establish control of the situation. Steps to protect life, then property should be taken in that order. Steps to protect the rights of the individuals over the reputation of the department should be followed.
What characteristics should a location chosen for a field command post possess?
- A neutral location to coordinate personnel and equipment at the scene of an emergency.
- The site must have telephone communications and on-site record keeping.
- The site should be easy to find and safely outside any area of danger.
- Alternate locations should also be explored.
Describe the duties of the member assigned to maintain the field command log
- Open the log by entering his name and that of his supervisor along with badge and identification numbers
- Enter the date, time, location, telephone number of the command post and include a brief description of the incident.
- Enter names of other on scene supervisors and representatives of the agency
- Enter any notifications made as well as describing and further unusual occurrences
What are the duties of a field supervisor at the scene of a labor dispute?
- He should ensure that actions have been taken to ensure peace and prevent injury and destructions of property. He should separately interview a representative of management and labor to obtain background. After the interview, the supervisor will give both sides rules and regulations related to the dispute and request appropriate agency personnel and equipment. If necessary, a field command post should be established
Who should definitely not be considered missing person?
- Adults who voluntarily leave home for personal reasons
- Persons wanted for crimes
- Person wanted on civil or criminal warrants
What is the difference between a missing person and an unidentified person?
- In an unidentified person case, you have the person but don’t know who he is.
- In a missing person case, you know who the person is, but don’t have the person.
When should a pursuit by a law enforcement vehicle not be initially undertaken or continued?
- Whenever the risks to the police and/or the public outweigh the danger to the public if the perpetrator/suspect is not immediately caught. What we must remember is that there is always tomorrow
Describe some general recommended guidelines concerning a high speed pursuit
- There should be no driving alongside the pursued vehicle.
- Ramming the pursued vehicle with an officers vehicle should be prohibited
- The positioning of an officers moving vehicle so that it will be struck by the pursued vehicle should be prohibited
- Roadblocks should be permitted only when directed by supervisory authority
- Vans and scooters should not be used in high speed pursuits
- Use of unmarked patrol vehicles should be limited
- Two-wheel motorcycles may be used initially, but their use should be terminated upon arrival at the scene by a four wheeled vehicle
Why is time important regarding a hostage/barricaded persons incident?
- Time is the greatest danger to the hostage. When police arrive on scene, is the most dangerous for the hostage and buying time can result in the following
- The more time a captor and hostage spend together; they become acquainted and develop a relationship making it less likely the captor will harm the hostage.
- It allows the police to develop Intel that leads to specific plans tailored to the incident
- Allows police to apprehend the subject if the appropriate opportunity presents itself
- Time allows the hostage to escape if the right circumstances present themselves. The police should not encourage or support an escape attempt unless there is a high level of certainty the escape will be successful
- Allows authorities to buy still more time through a continuation of negotiations
What are the general traits that should be exhibited by hostage negotiators?
- Their appearance and bearing should be one that creates a perception on part of the barricaded person or hostage taker that they are persons of authority
- While they present themselves as persons of authority, they should not portray themselves as the ultimate decision maker. This allows the negotiator to defer decision, thus buying more time.
- They should possess a calm and evenhanded demeanor, and should not express negative attitudes that could intensify the confrontation. Negotiators should remember that the hostage taker, the captor, is in a fight or flight state
- Negotiators should operate on the premise that everything is negotiable. Under no circumstances, however, should a negotiator agree to supply weapons to the hostage taker
What should generally be considered not negotiable at the scene of a hostage/barricaded person incident
- Everything is negotiable. Under no circumstances, however, should a negotiator agree to supply weapons to the hostage taker
What actions should officers take when responding to the scene of an EDP?
- Make an assessment of the situation. What is the level of threat of immediate serious injury to the subject EDP or anyone present
- If the EDP is not violent and willing to leave, police may take the EDP into custody
- If the EDP’s actions constitute immediate threat of serious injury, the police should terminate and prevent such actions. Deadly force is an option, but should be used as a last resort
- Actions restricted to property damage should not be considered life threatening
What actions should a supervisor take when responding to the scene of an EDP?
- Should ensure firearms discipline is maintained an police lines have been established
- Should request and distribute special equipment and personnel
- Should not allow the EDP to be removed to a law enforcement facility. At the medical facility, the staff should be informed if non-lethal devices were used in the subduing or restraining the EDP
Why have some law enforcement agencies chosen not to mediated domestic disputes
- By bringing a dispute before the court, the full services of the government can be applied to correct the situation
- The best argument is, “would police be expected to mediate a burglary”
What kind of information should an officer responding to a bomb threat attempt to obtain from the specific person who received the threat?
- The exact location or premises which were the object of the bomb threat
- The exact location of the alleged bomb, if available
- The time the bomb is expected to explode
- A description of the bomb
- Any reason given or suspected for the threatened bombing
Describe the actions to be taken when conducting an actual search for an explosive device
- The supervisor should respond to the scene and establish a command post
- Supervisor should organize and direct search teams
- Evacuations decisions should be made by the person in charge of the scene
- Specialized personnel and equipment should be requested and directed as needed
What is the convergence method of searching?
- A method of outdoor searching which is often used with effective results. The supervisor determines the area by referring to either a street map or field map. The supervisor draws a circle on the map based on the maximum distance the person sought could have traveled in the time frame. The circle is divided into pie shaped sectors based on the number of teams. Each team starts at the perimeter and works inward.
- Helicopters, K9’s and community involvement may also be implemented
What are some recommended tactics to follow while searching a building?
- The supervisor should establish a search team. Perimeter security should be placed at the opposite corners of the building. Use of helicopters and K9’s may be considered.