Defining functions I: from phrenology to early neuropsychology Flashcards
What is phrenology?
an early attempt at relating structure to function in the brain
What are the three main premises of phrenology?
- different parts of the brain are responsible for different processes
- aptitude is related to differences in brain region size
- brain region size influence skull shape
What did phrenology believe careful measurements of people’s skulls will reveal?
relationships between skull shape and various brain functions
Which premise of phrenology has no complete and obvious holding?
brain region size influences skull shape
What is an issue that comes up in terms of population diversity and phreology?
you cannot determine if a particular region in the brain is the same region you are looking at from individual to individual to there being differences in brain region size between individuals; and there also being exiisting diffrences between gender groups; racial/ethnic groups; and age roups
What are some important problems with phrenology?
- inappropriate anatomical measurement - skull shape is not a sensitive measurement of brain shape and anyway the overall shape of the brain is the wrong level of analysis
- unconstrained definition of functions - studies of prisoners aimed identifying regions associated with criminality or women with different numbers of children to find the locus of philopropogenitiveness
When defining certain “functions” why is it important to consider them in a social milieu?
-some of the problems of phrenology and physiognomy the study of facial features are endemic to doing any kind of scientific research on humans
-concepts like criminality and philopropogenitiveness are complex constructs that are unlikely to have a simple biological basis
Are there currently studies being conducted which fail to take into consideration “functions” in a social milieu?
-there are AI systems out there right now that are trying to classify people in various ways based on pictures of their face - like criminality
people will still apply very sophisticated technology like machine learning to ill formed questions
What does fancy statistics and high tech data collection not make up for?
-cant make up for poorly defined questions
Are decisions about what to measure and how to measure it affected by external factors?
yes they are never made in vaccum; i.e. definitions of cognitive processes were shaped by the goals of agencies that funded foundational work in this area (alot of cognitive science research was funded by the military)
-this means that basic facts about perception, attention, memory, decision making are also shaped by a larger social context
Where does the construct that the brain functions as a computer or modulator come from?
comes from the fact that the people that funded the studies for cognitive neuroscience were also interested in computers which has funding due to military advancements so this means the way we talk about perception, attention, memory, decision making are also shaped by a larger social context; which is due to the fact that the root of cognitive neuroscience is rooted in computational framework
How did phrenology fall out of favor?
-it was popular among intellectuals and a general framework - for instance in early days of the public school system phrenologists were taken seriously (i.e. phrenology was used for standardized tests)
-early scientists began to disfavor phrenology when starting to conduct experiments with lesioned animals
What did flourens do in regards to phenrology?
-did crude animal experiments and he found that chickens are unperturbed until you blow out a lot of tissue; found the motor strip of monkeys; found that the more complex functions was the mass action of the brain as an organ so will not find a criminality area or language area and they usually arise as a result of mass action of the brain - just more damage to the cortex cam impact these overall functions
What did flourens experiments consist of?
-they were mainly with pigeons and rabbits and they established distinct functions of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and mid brain structures
-but he failed to find any correspondence between specific regions in the cerebral cortex and specific senses
-instead he insisted that the size of the lesion was critical and that understanding or intelligence were the result of the cerebral cortex functioning together as a whole
-the position was held widely by most mid 19th century physiologists and anatomists
-coined the idea of holism
Why did localism and holism go back and forth in the 19th century?
-nobody thinks the brain functions by mass action at this point but they are still trying to figure out if you can localize brain function
Why did flourens and his contemporaries not have great methods for measuring cognitive capacities in animals?
-for sensory and motor abilities they could demonstrate associations between subcortical lesions and loss of function so even the holists admitted some degree of specialization
-but leaning as flourens did on descartes for ones definitions of mentasl functions and trying to apply this to studies of rabbits and pigeons has some obvious problems
-the tension between localism and holism will animate a lot of the debates in modern cognitive neuroscience
In 1861, neurologist pierre paul broca presented what?
-the case of Tan who had lost the ability to speak after a brain injury decades earlier
-Tan has a brain injury in his twenties and lost capacity for expressive speech
What are the three main things Tan could do?
-could only produce on jargon syllable (“tan”)
-seemed to otherwise be in possession of his sense
-in fact seemed to understand what was being said