Attention I: Effects on stimulus processing Flashcards
What did William James say about attention?
talking about stuff in the environment and the idea u can move attention in space to seize an object and can talk about theories of attention that go beyond that and how do you keep track of talking simultaneously
-focalization, concentration, and consciousness are its essence - attention is consciousness and is the withdrawal of some things
What are two questions to consider when measuring covert attention?
-how early does it start? - how far down does it go?
What is automaticity?
when we ask you to ignore something and see responses to thing we asked you to ignore - when attentional experience fails you to perceive something but is processed by some other part of the brain later
What is exogenous or overt attention?
-externally driven attention - eye movements are overt shift of attention
What do model of visual saliency do a good job of predicting?
-models of visual saliency do an excellent job of predicting where we will move our eyes based on image features like brightness contrast color and movement
-contrast in color will attract attention
What is endogenous or covert attention?
internally generated shifts in attention like if you are told to look at the middle of a screen -how attention moves around in space without changing your field of view so perceptual representations are retinotopic so need to make sure we know what region in space corresponds to what part of the retina
What study was done to capture covert attention by exogenous cues? What were the results?
-the first cue occurs on the same side as the target half the time and on the opposite side half the time (this was done to prevent response preparation)
-paricipants are instructed to keep their eyes focused on the center of the screen and push a button to the second of two simple images
-when the target occurs shortly after the cue responses to the target are faster
-this is true even when people do not move their eyes
-demonstrations of this sort were critical to establishing covert orientation of attention is a real thing
- - lower scores mean you reposing quickly and if target occurs shortly after the cue the cue location has an advantage only for a couple of ms like 300ms and then the uncued location picks up so after 300ms you are faster at responding to the cue location
In the study to capture covert attention by exogenous cues, what was seen if the delay between the cue and target is too long (more than 300ms)?
-the effect reverses - this is called inhibition of return - the response is slower to the cued location than uncued location
What does inhibition of return suggest? What does it suggest evolutionarily?
-suggests that - attention shifts back to the fixation point within about 300ms and
-recently attended locations are temporarily inhibited
-if looking at fruits of different colors evolutionarily if your attention gos back to the same spot you already looked at then your search is less efficent and this is why you are less likely to return your attention to places you have already seen
What was done in the study to capture endogenous attention using endogenous cues? Unlike exogenous cues they are typically very likely or 80% to be valid why?
-participants are given a symbolic cue to the location of the target
-because in this case we want to see yow you strategically shift your attention based on task goals (if you made it 50/50 you would stop paying attention to the endogneous cues)
What were the results of the study to capture endogenous attention using endogenous cues?
-responses to validly cued trials are faster than trials with a neutral cue
-the infrequent invalid trials also incur a cost
How does endogenous attention have different temporal dynamics compared to exogenous attention?
-after 300ms exogenous cuing produces inhibition
-but endogenous cuing requires 300ms to show a facilitatory effect
-so there seem to be separable processes underlying these two deceptively simple effects
Can endogneous shifting be sustained for long periods of time?
yes - can sustain somehting for minutes or hours to the exclusion of other phenomenon
-exogenous cuing not the same - over quickly
What is the classic cocktail party experiment?
-participants are instructed to attend to one ear and ignore the other
-to provide an overt measure of performance and to make the attentional task more challenging participants are asked to shadow (repeat in real time what is being said) the attended ear
-after the experiment participants had no memory of the unattended stream
-are more salient to certain information in unattended stream like your name
What did cherry say about the language of the rejected ear unrecognized?
-in a further set of tests the two messages one for the right ear and one for the left started in english - basically the participant could not tell if in the unattended ear the language was german or english - this means the unattended input is not being processed very deeply
-HOWEVER - if someone calls your name in the unattended channel you are likely to pick it up meaning there is some semantic processing occuring
What is a limitation of behavioral approached for attention?
-we do not know what is the process between hearing and recall
-have to ask afterwards what do you remember about and what you heard and there are all kinds of stuff happening between hearing and recall so there are memory phenomenon like encoding meaning did u transform what u heard of the literal sound waves hitting your ear into some other representation did your recognize the words did you understand things in real time in order to recall things later you have to store them and are able to comprehend them and threw it away
What are some processes that are in the black box between hearing and recall?
basically memory
interpretation (recall vs reconstruction)
-behavioral really difficult to demonstrate someone did not hear something
If attention is in William James’s terms a taking possession by the mind of one out of several simultaneously possible objects how early does this happen? And how thoroughly ignored are those things we don’t take possession of?
-by early we mean both in time and in terms of where in the processing stream the selection is occurring
What is early selection?
-can enhance the earliest response to a particular stimulus and can also temporarily change the way the brain responds to a stimulus this is consistent with early selection
- incoming stimuli
- extraction of physical properties
- filter (dial)
- extraction of abstract properties