Attention II: Control of Attention Flashcards
What is top down attention?
endogenous attention
What is bottom up attention?
exogenous attention
Do we understand the cognitive aspects of attentional deficit disorders?
no only the behavioral moreso
Do exogenous and endogenous cuing to spatial location have different temporal dynamics?
yes in exogenous cuing the stimulus occurs unexpectadly or the cue occurs in a location which is where the target stimulus may or may not appear briefly attracts attention to that location and over 300ms that returns - fast and transient endogenous attention is sustained over a period of seconds minutes or hours
In what regions of the brain does endogenous or top down focus of attention involve?
sustained activity in the fronto-parietal network including
-the frontal eye fields FEF
-regions dorsal to the intraparietal sulcus IPS
Endogenous attention is what stream?
the dorsal stream
Exogenous attention is what stream?
the ventral stream
What was the endogenous cuing task in the Woldorff et al study?
-a letter cue indicates L R or P to indicate a possible target in the left or right lower visual field
-on p trials participants knew that no target would be presented this is the interpret cue condition in which mo shift of attention is required and this is the control,
What was the purpose of the variable interstimulus time area between 900 or 1900?
cause of the stimulus is shown at the same interval can catch on and want to move attention in preparation for stimulus occurring so will discuss the eeg data where there is a data and shift attention in preparation for that earlier and maintain attention for an earlier trial
What areas of the brain did woldorff and colleagues identjfy that are specifically engaged by cues requiring an endogenous shift of attention?
medial frontal and parietal areas
-eeg data is consistent with the frontal regions preceding the parietal regions
-there are bilateral activations in these regions but the medial portions are the ones with the shifts in attention
What can we think of the frontal regions as doing in regards to the parietal regions when it comes to shifts in endogenous attention?
the frontal regions are somehow instructing the parietal regions to shift attention
What did the eeg activity correlated to in the temporal dynamics of endogenous attention in the woldorff and colleagues study?
slow and sustained activity in the medial frontal and parietal regions are consistent with the temporal dynamics of endogenous attention
In the woldorff and colleagues study when does general cue processing take place and when does attention processing take place? How was this determined?
general cue processing - 0-300ms
attention processin 400-1800ms
-this was determined via the inter[rect cue condition which does not havhe attentional shifts
What did source analysis of the woldorff and colleagues study show?
-that there are two plausible sources - - two medial blobs and the gyrus they are and their orientation and location and same with the two parietal blobs and can make a forward models and say with these dipoles what is pattern of activity on scalp and what areas causes the shift in attention - medial frontal activity increases at 400ms and this is earlier than parietal activity which does not get going till just before the stimulus can occur - people engaging their attentiocresponseem based on previous trial timing is mitigated against due to the inter stimulus time variation and maintain represnetaiokn need to shift attention and 800ms in that propagts back to parietal cortex and will see how this encodes for both perceptual and for action and this is coming online through the parietal system - frontal lobe gets the parietal going to respond to a stimulus in space - the reponse to teh stimulus is not include din this graph just he attentional shift -
What could the parietal lobe be in contact with in regards to endogenous attentional shifts?
the visual cortex to increase response
What did the colby and goldberg study in endogenous attention in monkeys show?
-neurons in the lateral intraparietal LIP sulcus responds weakly to stimuli appearing in their receptive fields (fixation)
-the response is enhanced when there is an endogenous cue to attend to the relevant receptive field when the monkey must make a hand movement in the cued direction
-when a saccade must be planned based on a a peripeheral cue of activity in this area is enhanced
-when the signal to intiate a scaccade is given (the fixation point disappears) a new wave of activity is observed suggesting a role in motor planning (parietal cortex plays a role in preparing to receive something or to respond to a motor response)
What is the LIP representing in the colby and goldberg study in endogenous attention in monkeys?
both stimulus and response related attention to the target location
-stimulus because there is a retinotopic map in the LIP which gets them to respond weakly and attention because it shows actviity when there is a saccade to the taregt location (the parietal cortex is involved in getting this attentional information to use for motor planning)
How did experiments by Moore et al test the casual role for the fef in endogenous attention?
- identifying fef neurons that when strongly stimulated evoke a saccade to a specific location in the visual field
- v4 neurons that are selective for the same location in the visual field
they then used subthreshold stimulation of fef to test for modulation of sensitivity in the visual cortex
-injection of current into the fef can see that there is actviity even if people do not move their eyes so this modulates the movement of endogenous attention
RESULT: subthreshold stimulation of the fef can enhance the v4 response
What does stimulation of the fef cause for v4 neurons?
causes visual neurons to have enhanced sesnitivity as if the monkey were endogenously cued to attend to that location
What does the role of the fef in the allocation of attention in visual space suggest? What did fmri show that supports this? What is the phenomenon known as?
that covert orienting of attention in visual space may be intametly related with motor planning for eye movement
-in fmri general overlps of regions involved in endogenous shifitng of spatial attention and regions involved in controlling saccadic eye movement is observed
-outside of the psychology laboratory a primary use of covert attention is to plan where to look next - maybe covert attention exapts evolutionarily ealry circuits for eye movemnt control
-phenomemon - premotor view of attention
What are endogenous shifts of attention initiated by? and where do they engage sustained activity in?
initiated by frontal regions; engage in sustained activity in the parietal areas in the dorsal aspect of the IPS
There is substantial overlap between attentional areas and areas involved in planning eye movements (i.e. in monkeys have seen that frontal activity can directly modulate the kind of enhanced visual responses we discussed last week) but what is the functional significance of this overlap?
-the functional significance is a matter of debate
What is the interaction of bottom up and top down attentional processing in pop out salience?
-there is a strong bottom up component to visual salience - things that contrast sharply in context with their environment in color brightness motion exogenously draw attention
-we can exercise top down influence on salience in many cases - attention to features provides a window into this
What does the behavioral phenomenon of pop out suggest? What happens when this fails?
there is some bottom up process of feature analysis that can search the visual field in parallel = however when this fails participants switch to a serial strategy moving their attention around the field in search of hard to find stimuli
In pop out does the number of items in the display matter?
-in pop out it does not matter or affect the search because in pop you scan the whole visual field in parallel