Defense - Club Flashcards
Club 1
(overhand strike)
R outblock, circle grip, R kick, L kick, L wrist lock takeaway or chicken wing (?) wrist lock/kimura
Club 2
(lunging strike)
Step back with R + L up block, R kick to groin, L overgrip, Pull punch (L pulls in + R vertical to SP), R throat punch, R pressure point or lapel control + R leg trip for backward takedown
Club 3
(overhand strike)
R outblock, circle grip, R kick, back armbar hip-to-hip, drive forward and down, add-ins (surfer armbar, reverse armbar, etc.)
Club 4
(Lunging overhead strike - shoulder lock)
Double hammerblow to left, RHB to neck, L roll under without losing contact, roll opponent’s striking arm over, control shoulder with R, step back with R, forward arm drag takedown
Club 5
(Overhead strike) R upblock, L upblock to get space, R palm to groin, choke 5 (R goes to right of opposing head, head goes outside their shoulder to choke between R arm and their shoulder, tension choke using left grip [alt R sweep between L and opponent’s striking arm to grab wrist, punish tricep, armbar takedown]
Club 6
(Lunge strike (#1 strike), followed by return strike (#2 strike)) [front or back armbar]
Double inblock, slide L over R to wrist control (similar to advance punch 4 but opposite hand and inside instead of outside), RHB to neck, R upblock to turn arm inward/roll toward you to get elbow up, front arm bar takedown.
Alt. If deflecting first strike, R upblock return strike arm, pivot and LHB punish tricep then armbar takedown (like #3)