Defense And Immunity (Exam 2) Flashcards
What is the Chain of Infection?
- The infectious agent
- The reservoir
- Portal if exit
- Means of transmission
- Portal of entry
- Susceptible host
What is the infectious agent?
This could be bacteria, virus or even parasites
What is the reservoir?
This is where the the infectious agent lives. This could be people, animals, soil etc
Portal of exit
Where the infectious agent escape from the reservoir.
Blood, tissue, respiratory tract
Mode of transmission
Could be through contact through touch
Droplets: sneeze and cough
Susceptible host
People who are hospitalized
The elderly
What factors affect a patient risk for infection? (7)
- Skin integrity: breakdown of the skin
- The pH level of the GI and GU tract
- Integrity and the number of the white blood cells (WBC): the patient should have enough white blood cells. It provides protection against infection
- Age, sex, race and heredity
- Immunizations
- Level of fatigue, stress level and health habits
- Invasive or indwelling medical devices: Foley catheter, tracheostomy
Who is more susceptible to infection?
Pregnant women
Women are more susceptible to UTI
Older adults
What does stress do to the immune system?
It decrease suppresses the immune system
What are health care associated infections (HAIs)?
This is when a patient acquires infection while their stay at the hospital
What is standard precautions
This is the regular precaution that is taken to avoid or prevent infection.
Includes following hand hygiene techniques
Wearing gloves
Name all of the transmission based precautions
Airborne, contact and droplet
Droplet precautions
Rubella, mumps,
Hand hygiene
Airborne precautions
TB, varicella, measles
Patient must be in area with negative air pressure
All doors and windows closed
Hand hygiene
N95 mask
Contact precautions
C-Diff, MRSA
Place the patient in a private room
Surgical asepsis
This is sterile
Unsterile means that the object is contaminated
Hold objects above the waist level
Never walk away or turn your back from the sterile fields
Eliminates all microorganisms
Medical asepsis
This is the clean technique
Reduces the spread and number of microorganisms
What are the signs and symptoms of infection
Weight loss
Also known as C-Diff
Is caused by bacteria and commonly affects older adults
What population is more likely to be affected by c-diff
Older adults
Signs snd symptoms of c-diff
Watery diarrhea, fever, mild abdominal pain and cramping
What are some precautions of c-diff
Disinfect everything after you’re finished
Always wash hands!!!!!!!!
Sanitizing don’t work
Gown and cloves
Private room
Is c-diff precaution disinfection or sterilization
Name some functions of the skin
Temperature regulation
Vitamin d production
What factors might affect skin integrity?
If the skin is unbroken or unbroken
Resistance of injury to the skin
Adequate circulation
Adequate nutrition
Factors affecting skin integrity for children
Skin is thinner and weaker
Skin and mucous membrane easy to break
Factors affecting skin integrity for adults older
Dry skin
Thin which makes is easier to damage
A decrease in elasticity
Have delayed time in healing
Sensation ti pain and pressure is reduced
Unevenly pigmented
Name some other factors that might affect skin integrity
Body piercing
Dehydration or malnutrition
Reduced sensation
Bed rest
What are some implementations for older adults
Do not apply tape to the skin unless it is necessary
Check the skin frequently for signs if pressure injury
Padding to the bony prominences
Apply lotions and moisturizers where it is necessary
Encourage hydration to the patient
Do skin assessment
Eliminate use of harsh soaps
Check pressure points for redness every 30 minutes