Defences: Intoxication Flashcards
What does intoxication cover?
When the D’s have been charged with a criminal offence but were under the influence of alcohols, drugs or solvent
It is not a defence in itslef but it can support the fact that the D lacked the relevant MR
What are the two types of intoxication?
Voluntary intoxication
Involuntary intoxication
What is voluntary intoxication?
When the D has brought about his own intoxication
Whether the defence can be used relies on if it is basic or specific intent
What is a basic intent crime?
Defence will always fail as the D already has the MR as he was reckless by becoming intoxicated
What happened in DPP v Majewski?
HOL stated it is a reckless course of conduct and recklessness is enough to constitute the necessary MR
What crimes will basic intent be?
All other NFO’s apart from murder and S.18
What are specific intent crimes?
Intention only
Intoxication may provide a defence if it prevent the D from forming the intnetion
If it did, D will be convicted of a lesser charge (FBP)
Intoxicated intent is still suffficient intent in law
What happened in Sheehan and Moore?
Defence succeeded, they were too drunk to form the MR for murder, so the didn’t intend to kill or cause GBH
Convicted of involuntary manslaughter
What is dutch courage?
Where the defendant has deliberately become drunk to provide the courage to commit an offence, unable to use the defence
What happened in AG v Gallagher?
D drank whiskey to give him the courage to kill his wife
Lord Denning stated intoxication couldn’t be used as the D already formed the MR before intoixcation took place
What is involuntary intoxication?
Allowed for crimes of both basic and specific where D takes substance without knowing or it has unwanted side effects
What is the test for involuntary intoxication?
Whether the D had the necessary MR at the time of the offence
When will the D be able to use the defence on involuntary intoxication?
If the D wasn’t reckless in taking the drug/foresaw the likely outcome of taking the substance
What will still be voluntary intoxication?
If the D thought they were drinking with a lower alcohol percentage than they actually were
What are the different kinds of involuntary intoxication?
Prescribed drugs
Soporific drugs
Laces drinks