Deep Face And Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
Temporal fossa is the space superior to the ____.
Infratemporal fossa is the space inferior to the ____.
Zygomatic arch
Zygomatic arch
What are he boundaries of the infratemporal fossa?
Lateral: ramus of mandible
Anterior: maxilla
Medial: lateral pterygoid plate
Roof: sphenoid
Posterior: tympanic plate and mastoid and styloid process
Inferior: angle of mandible
What are the four muscles of mastication?
Innervated by what?
Medial pterygoid m
Lateral pterygoid m
Masseter m
Temporalis m
Trigeminal N V3
What are the contents of the infratemporal fossa?
Inferior potion of temporalis m
Lateral and medial pterygoid m
Maxillary A
Pterygoid venous plexus
Inferior alveolar N (V3) Lingual N (V3) Buccal N (V3) Chorda tympani (CN VII) Otic ganglion
When you yawn, the ____ muscle contracts, expands, and pushes on pterygoid venous plexus to stimulate blood flow.
Lateral pterygoid m
Where do the mandibular branches off the maxillary A go, what do they supply?
Deep auricular A
Anterior tympanic A
Inferior alveolar A
Middle meningeal A
Accessory meningeal A
External acoustic meatus; external TM, TMJ
Internal TM
Enters mandibular foramen and supplies mandible, mandibular teeth, chin, and mylohyoid m
Enters cranium via foramen spinosum, supplies dura mater of lateral wall, trigeminal ganglion, facial N, geniculate ganglion, tympanic cavity, tensor tympani m
Enters cranium via foramen ovale and supplies extracranial muscles of infratemporal fossa, otic ganglion, and sphenoid bone
What do the pterygoid branches off the maxillary A supply?
Masseteric A
Pterygoid branches
Deep temporal A
Buccal A
TMJ, masseter m
Pterygoid m
Temporalis m
Buccal fat pad, buccinator, buccal and oral mucosa
What are five sensory branches off of V3?
Inferior alveolar: dental, incisive, mental
Auriculotemporal: anterior auricular, external acoustic meatus, temporomandibular joint, superficial temporal
Meningeal: anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa
What are five motor branches off of V3?
Medial pterygoid: tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani
Lateral pterygoid
Deep temporal
Mylohyoid: N to mylohyoid, N to anterior digastric
What are six sensory branches of V2?
Zygomatic Infraorbital Superior alveolar Nasociliary Palatine Meningeal
What is the fx of the sphenomandubular L?
____ ligament also limits the inferior excursion at the TMJ. What arch is it from?
Prevents dislocation of the mandible
Stylomandibular L; Brachial arch 1
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the masseter m?
Zygomatic bone
Mandibular angle and ramus
Masseteric N (V3)
Elevates mandible, assists in protraction, retraction, side to side motion, closes jaw*
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the temporalis m?
Temporal fossa/fascia
Coronoid process of mandible
Deep temporal N (V3)
Elevate mandible, retract mandible, lateral movement
The _____ is the only opener of the jaw. The other muscles of mastication close the jaw.
Lateral pterygoid m
_____ innervates buccinator m and orbicularis oris m, which assist in mastication.
Facial N