deck_17328468 Flashcards
atomic spec can also be called ,,, and what is seen
electronic spec
u can only see changes to do with electrons
when we change the state of an atom what do we also change
when we change the state of an atom,, we change its wavefunction!!!
think about all the steps we did : splitting it into radial and angular wave functions: if we change the first bit,, the wavefunction will also change.
if wavefunction changes when u change the position of an e-. ,, and in electronic//atomic spec we interact an atom with a photon of light to change its position,, what different wavefunctions will we have
we will have an initial wavefunction: before the e- moving // transitioning due to absorbtion of a photon.
and we will also have a final wavefunction,, this is the wavefunction after the atom has interacted with the photon of light. and has moved from its original place. Y.f
gross selection rule for atomic // electronic spec
there must be a change in the dipole moment between the initial and final states.
what can symmetry do
symmetry can predict if the whether the transition dipole is non zero
initial and final wavefunctions of H
initial wavefunction is all about
n, l , ml
aka if we have a 1s 2s 2p etc orbital
specific selection rule of atomic//electronic spec
describes the allowed transitions between states
shows what changes are allowed when things abs//emit photons of light
more focused on graphs whereas the gross selection rule is more focussed on the atom itself
lose photon
lose energy via a photon
gain energy by absorbing a photon of light
describe a photon and what quantum numbers it has
photon = one bit of light
it has a mass of 0
it has a spin of 0
it has an angular momentum of 1
l = 1
what is conservation of angular momentum
when the angular momentum of the atom and light (photon) interact + act together
they conserve momentum between the initial and final wavefunctions.
what transitions can and cant occur
only transitions that conserve angular momentum between initial and final are allowed!!
for Hydrogen: write down the transition rules
change in l = +- l
change in ml = 0, +-1
change in n doesnt matter as long as l and ml dont change!!!
what does the selection rule: change in l = +- 1 mean
that u can have transitions between
s -> p
p -> d
but u cant have an s -> s transition!!
think of the energy level diagram with energy on the y axid and l values on the x axis.