Deck General Flashcards
Marlinespike Seamanship
is the art of handling and working with all kinds of line or rope.
There are three basic types of rope used aboard vessels
natural, synthetic, and wire
What is the most commonly used rope
What is the most expensive rope
Once rope is placed aboard a vessel and put into use it is called
Lines are made of natural or synthetic fibers twist into
the yarns in rope are grouped together to form
The strands of yarn are suited, plaited, or braided, in various patterns, to form
Whether strands are twisted to either the right or the left is called the
“lay” of the line
Line is usually constructed as
plain laid, plaited, and double braided line.
When held vertically, a ling with strands that run from the lower left to the upper right is
A rope with strands running from lower right to upper left would be
A loop of line
Lay down a ling in circular turns on top of one another
bitter end
free end os a length of line
closed loo in the end of a line
lay out a line in long, flat bights
fake down
tapered would tool used in slicing lines
coil a line flat on deck
hawser is
a heavy line over five inches
Which has a lower breaking strength for its size, natural fiber line or synthetic fiber line?
Natural fiber line
Unlike synthetic line, natural fiber line does not
snap back after being stretched. It should not be used for load bearing.
Natural line will _____ if stowed wet
What line has has great strength, elasticity, and resistance to weather. It comes in twisted, braided, and plaited construction, and can be used for almost any purpose where its slippery surface and elasticity is not a disadvantage.?
What line has about 80% of the strength of nylon, but will only stretch to 10% of its original length
What has 50% of the strength of nylon, is 25% lighter and float in water?
Polyproplene or “polly”
Double braided nylon has two other characteristics which increase its strength
elongation and elasticity.
Elongation refers to
the stretch of the line
elasticity refers to the ability of the line to recover from elongation.
Synthetic line will stretch farther and recover (return to normal length) better than natural line. Because of this,
synthetic line can absorb the intermittent forces and surges resulting from waves or seas much better than natural fiber line.
While its superior strength makes double braided nylon line the preferred choice for load bearing, there are some disadvantages.
Because it will stretch further (elongate) and still recover (elasticity), the snap back potential if the line parts is greater than with natural fiber line. Double-braided nylon has become the line of choice for towing.
Also, if nylon line is doubled and placed under excessive strain, there is a danger that the deck fittings might fail. If that happens, the line will snap back with tremendous force, bringing the deck fitting with it.
Synthetic line slips much easier than natural line. Because of this, it will slip through deck fittings and not hold knots as well.
Use caution when bending synthetic line to an object or to another line to ensure that the knot won’t slip.
When using synthetic lines always keep the following considerations in mind:
- Use caution when paying it or surging it from deck fittings.
- Beware of slippage when bending synthetic line together or securing it.
- Never stand in any position exposing you to the dangers of snap back if the line parts.
- Never double up a tow line.
- Keep the working surfaces of deck fittings clean and free of paint and rust. Never stand in the bight of a line.
- Always be cautious of, and stand clear of, any line under strain.
Natural fiber will deteriorate quickly if not
coiled, and stowed in a dry, well-ventilated area away from sunlight. Natural fiber line should be washed and dried before stowing.
Synthetics require the same protection
, except that they may be exposed to sunlight. Although they may be stowed wet, introducing unnecessary moisture in to the stowage compartment may not be wise.
General Line Guidance
- Keep all lines free from chemicals. Always match the line to its intended use.
- Misuse will greatly reduce its useful life.
- Use chafing gear made of old hoses, leather, or heavy canvas to line where it runs over rails, chocks, or other surfaces Bitts, cleats, and chock surfaces should be kept smooth to reduce line abrasion.
- Avoid sharp angles through deck fittings. This creates significant abrasion and increases the wear rate.
- As a general rule, assume the safe working load is one-fifth of the breaking strength.
If uncoiled improperly, natural fiber laid line, can become tangled, kinked and unusable. The proper uncoiling procedure is as follows:
Inside the center tunnel of the coil, locate the end of the line. Position the coil so the inside line end is at the bottom of the center tunnel. Start uncoiling the line by drawing the inside end up through the top of the tunnel. Do not pull on any kinks that develop, as they will develop into permanent hockles.
The recommended method for unreeling synthetic fiber lines is to:
Insert a pipe through the center and hang the reel off the deck. Draw the line from the lower reel surface. Do not “throw” twisted fiber lines off the reel - it will cause tangles and kinks. Instead, three-strand synthetic lines should be faked down on deck and allowed to relax for twenty four hours.
Safe zones for tending lines
are those areas at right angles to the direction of tension. Synthetic line stretches about 50 percent before it will break. Snapback is extremely dangerous and has caused severe injuries, and death. Exercise the utmost caution when working with or around all synthetic lines.
Always keep a constant eye on any line under strain.
Difference between knots, bends and splicing
knots and bends are used for temporary joining, while splices provide a permanent joining
Joining can reduce the breaking strength of a rope
by 50 - 60%
A splice, however, is stronger than a knot. A carefully made splice may have up to
95% of the strength of the line being spliced.
The bitter end of a line is
the moving or working end. In rigging, the running end is usually the leading end.
A bight is
an unclosed loop that turns back on itself. Bights are often used to take up slack or add strength to line.
A round turn is formed when
a line is wrapped 360 degrees (1 time) around a stationary object.
Whipping is
a means of securing the end of a cut line to prevent unraveling.
Good knots are
easy to tie, easy to untie, and hold well. A good knot should not untie itself.
A knot used to secure lines together is a
A knot used to secure a line to an object, such as a ring, eye or stanchion,is a
SQUARE KNOT as a reef knot
it is used to bend together two lines of equal size.
Remember “right over left, left over right”
Make sure that both sides exit the bights the same way, otherwise, it’s a granny knot that will slip and jam.
A square knot won’t slip, tightens under pressure, but remains easy to untie after the tension is released.
Half Hitches are used for
temporarily securing a line to objects such as a ring, eye or post. One of their advantages is their ease in untying.
The half-hitch is made by taking a turn around an object and then back around itself, bringing the bitter end of the line through the inside of the loop.
he figure-eight knot is used to
temporarily stop a line from fraying, or to prevent a line from unreeling through a block. Take the bitter end around the standing part, and back through the eye.
The clove hitch is used to
Secure a line to a post or rail. It is often used to secure fenders prior to coming alongside the dock.
Take a round turn around the post or rail.
Take another turn, crossing over the previous turn. Come back underneath the turn you just made and pull taut.
Used to tire line to piling
Will jam underload so difficult to untie without relieving the load
The sheet bend is used to
bend together two lines of unequal size.
Make a loop in the end of the larger line. Pass the end of the smaller line through it, around the outside of the loop as shown, and back under itself.
Also called Becket Bend
Easy to untie after heavy strain
Used to secure a line under load to a post or dock eye with more security than two half hitches.
Take one round turn, then another parallel to it. Finish with two half-hitches, pulling taut.
The Anchor Bend is used for attaching a line to a ring or post. It is a “tie once, cut free knot” since it tends to lock.
It is the accepted knot for attaching anchors. It’s also known as a “fisherman’s bend.”
Make two round turns. Take the bitter end back through both round turns, then finish off with a half-hitch. This bend is very similar to a round turn and two half hitches, except that the first half hitch is passed under the round turns.
- Make a counterclockwise (overhand) loop in the line, the size of the desired eye.
- Pass the bitter end up through the eye.
- Take the bitter end around the standing part and back down through the eye.
- Pull the knot tight by holding the bitter end and the loop with one hand and pulling on the standing part with the other.
Unlay the three strands at the end of the line (the working end), enough to make at least three tucks. Then secure the standing part of the line at the base of the unraveled strands (to keep them from unraveling any further). Also, secure the ends of the three working strands to prevent them from unraveling. Form an eye by laying the opened strands on top of the standing part of the line.
Take the middle strand and tuck it, from right to left, underneath the nearest strand of the standing part. Take the left strand and tuck it, again from right to left, under the next strand to the left of the one just tucked.
Turn the whole splice over, then take the third strand and lead it over to the right of the third strand, so that the third tuck can, again, be made from right to left. There should now be one end coming out from under each strand on the standing part. If two ends come from under the same strand, the splice is wrong. Pull each end tight enough to make a snug fit. This completes the first round of tucks. For the second tucks, take each end over one strand and under the next towards the left. Pull each end tight. Work neatly in rotation. Repeat for the third tucks. Never use less than three rounds of tucks if the eye will be required to carry much strain.
Avast (or vast)
Stop heaving
Hold the line, but ease out as necessary to keep the line from parting
Maintain Tension, but pay out line
Heave around
Take in the line
Take enough turns so the line won’t slip
release all strain
hold moderate tension, but allow it to slip enough for the vessel to move fore or aft along the dock
to move the vessel with lines wile alongside a dock
Take one wrap around the base of the cleat furthest from the vessel (on the same side as the vessel) and then make figure eights around the ears.
Secure with a half hitch turned under so that the line is coming away from the cleat in the opposite direction from which it came in.
A vessel is moored when it’s secured by lines alongside a pier or dock. The number and size of mooring lines is dependent upon the length of the vessel, usual tide and current conditions, and weather. In advance of mooring, the lines should be faked down fore and aft, each near the chock through which it will be led.
The bow line and stern lines keep the bow and stern alongside the dock. The spring lines prevent fore and aft movement alongside the dock.
Nylon is usually the best choice for mooring lines. Its strength is superior, its stretch acts as a shock absorber, and it does kink easily.
Deck Fittings
re devices attached to the hull that assist in handling and mooring the vessel.
A cleat
s an in-line pair of projecting horns used for securing a line.
re vertical cylinders arranged in pairs, used for securing lines that have typically been led through chocks. The upper end of a bitt is larger than the lower end, or is fitted with a lip, to keep the lines from slipping off accidentally. Since bitts take very heavy loads, they require a sturdy support foundation to distribute the strain. On larger vessels, there is usually a set of bitts forward and aft of each chock.
a heavy fitting with smooth surfaces through which mooring lines are led. Mooring lines typically run from cleats or bitts on deck through chocks to bollards (a device on the dock that looks like a tree stump) or cleats on a pier or dock. There are three types of chocks: open, closed, and roller. An open chock is a mooring chock that is open at the top. A closed chock is a mooring chock closed by an arch of metal across the top. A roller chock is a mooring chock that contains a roller for reducing friction on the line.
A device to guide or re-route a line. A fairlead may be a ring or hook, a separate piece of hardware built-in to the deck such as a closed chock, or simply an opening in the hull or bulwark. Cleats, bitts and other types of chocks can all function as fairlead’s.
A fairlead can also be used to stop a straight run of line from vibrating or rubbing on another surface. An additional use on boats is to keep a loose end of line from sliding around the deck (e.g. the windward (inactive) jib sheet).
While fairleads are most frequently found in nautical applications, they can be found anywhere rigging is used. In off-roading, a fairlead is used to guide the winch cable and remove lateral strain from the winch. A roller fairlead is used with steel cable and a hawse fairlead is used with synthetic cable.
Fairleads are used on almost every sailboat. Even as simple a sailboat as a Sunfish has a fairlead for each of its two lines. A ring fairlead holds the halyard parallel to the mast so its cleat can be located near to the cockpit. On models without a deck block for the sheet, a hook fairlead in the forward edge of the cockpit gives the sailor options when handling the sheet.
If the line is meant to be moved while in the fairlead, the angle in the line created by the fairlead must be shallow to minimize friction. For larger angles a block or pulley is used as a fairlead to reduce friction. Where the line is removed from a hook fairlead before using, the angle is not an issue.
The wind acts on the hull and superstructure. The amount of surface on which the wind acts is called
sail area
drift downwind
A vessel will make “leeway” (drift downwind) at a speed proportional
to the wind velocity and the amount of sail area.
The “aspect” or angle the vessel takes due to the wind will depend
on where the sail area is centered compared to the underwater hull’s center of lateral resistance.
Seas are produced by
wind acting on the surface of the water.
Current will act on a vessel’s
underwater hull and cause drift over the ground
A one-knot current may affect a vessel as much as a
30 knot wind. Strong current can easily move a vessel upwind.
A “right-handed” propeller
turns clockwise
Every vessel rotates around an axis called its pivot point. The fore and aft location of the pivot point varies from vessel to vessel, but is generally just forward of amidships when the vessel is at rest, or about one-third of the way back from the bow. As a vessel moves ahead the pivot point moves ahead; as it moves astern, the pivot point moves astern.
Screw Current
Regardless of whether the propeller is turning to go ahead or astern, the water flow pattern into the propeller’s arc of rotation is called suction screw current, and the thrust flow pattern out of the propeller is called discharge screw current. The discharge screw current will always be stronger and more concentrated than the suction screw current.
Side force
The angle of the propeller shaft creates unequal blade thrust because the descending blade has a higher effective pitch angle. For a right-handed propeller turning ahead, the stern will tend to move to starboard, and when backing, the stern will tend to move to port. For a left-handed propeller (normally the port shaft on a twin-screw vessel), the action is the opposite. An easy way to remember how side force will push the stern is to think of the propeller as a wheel on the ground. As the wheel rolls clockwise, it moves to the right. As a propeller turns clockwise when viewed from astern, the stern moves to starboard.
Cavitation usually occurs when the propeller rotates at very high speed and a partial vacuum forms air bubbles at the tips of the propeller blades. Cavitation occurs most often when:
Going from stop to maximum speed quickly
Going rapidly from ahead to astern (or vice-versa)
Operating in aerated water where bubbles are dragged into the propeller flow
Cavitation can also occur when going astern, as the suction screw current draws water from behind the transom, and air at the waterline mixes with the water and is drawn into the propeller.
Cavitation frequently occurs when backing with outboard motors.
In this case, through-hub exhaust gas bubbles are also drawn forward into the propeller blade arc. Because a vessel rotates around its pivot point, as the stern moves in one direction, the bow moves in the other. The speed of the water flowing past the rudder greatly enhances the rudder’s force. The screw discharge current from a propeller moving ahead increases the water flow speed past the rudder, enhancing its effectiveness. When going astern, the rudder is in the screw suction current, and thus, cannot direct any propeller thrust. The combined effects of screw current and rudder force when going astern are not nearly as effective as when operating ahead. Because rudder force is created by water flow, a rudder loses some of its effectiveness due to cavitation.
the screw currents and thrust from an outboard or stern drive are
“directed thrust,” meaning that the propulsion and steering are combined, and turning is not dependent upon a flow of water across a rudder.
Another major difference in operation between the I/O and outboard is that the outboard motor operates with a vertical crankshaft and driveshaft
which develops rotational torque. This can cause some “pull” in the steering, usually when accelerating or in a sharp turn to starboard. It can also create an effect called torque-lock, which causes difficulty stopping a turn. The easiest way to overcome torque-lock is to immediately reduce RPMs before trying to counter-steer.
All vessels are responsible for their
wake and any injury or damage it might cause.
Because a vessel moving ahead through the water turns on an arc regardless of how much rudder or thrust is used, the vessel proceeds forward for some distance. This distance is called advance.
sideways distance travel by a vessel during a turn
Tactical diameter is
the distance gained to the left or right of the original course after a turn of 180 degrees is complete. This is a factor in the room needed to turn a vessel
“head reach.”
For a heavy-displacement vessel, once propulsion is stopped the vessel will continue to coast forward for some distance. This is called “head reach.”
backing and filling (sometimes called casting)
To back and fill, rely on the tendency of a vessel to back to port, and then use the rudder to direct thrust when powering ahead.A good understanding of a vessel’s tactical diameter is necessary to know whether backing and filling is required, rather than just maneuvering with full rudder.
Winds will play a factor in backing and filling. If a vessel’s bow is easily pushed by the wind, the vessel will probably have a tendency to back into the wind. Use this to advantage.
Current will have an even greater effect. Backing and filling can still be accomplished successfully. Expect to be set with the current while turning, and if need be, plan accordingly to start the turn well up current. Strong winds will offset both propeller side force and any rudder effect.
The bow and stern lines are used to keep the bow and stern parallel
During docking and undocking, especially with an off-dock wind or current, they become useful in keeping the bow and stern from being set off the dock.
Spring lines
revent the fore and aft movement, or the surge, of a vessel alongside the dock. They are critical to maneuvering with strong wind or current. In areas where there is significant tidal range, spring lines can be crossed to better accommodate the rise and fall of the tide without over-stressing the lines. For maneuvering with wind or current, the bow spring can be used to “spring” in or out from the dock, by placing the line under tension, and using a combination of power and rudder to bring the stern in or out from the dock.
Dipping the eye
is a method by which more than one mooring line can be placed on a dock piling, cleat, or bollard. By taking the eye of one line and first leading it through the eye of a line already made fast, either line can be removed without disturbing the other.
This is the up and down motion of the bow and stern. In small waves at high speeds, pitch can be very small and barely noticed. As seas increase, the bow might rise up when it meets a wave, and fully clear the water. As it comes back down, it immerses to a point on the hull above the designed waterline, sometimes with a heavy slam. Pitch is usually associated with head seas. Reduce pitch by slowing or by taking head seas at an angle.
This is the side to side motion as each side goes up and down. This is associated with beam seas. A round-bottomed vessel will roll even in near-calm conditions. Reduce roll by steering a course that does not take the seas directly on the beam.
Yawing is the off course side-to-side swing the vessel makes when encountering following seas.
The Anchoring System is
all the gear used in conjunction with the anchor.
A device designed to engage the bottom of a waterway and through its resistance to drag, maintain a vessel within a given radius.
Ground tackle
A general term for the anchor, anchor rodes, fittings, etc., used for securing a vessel at acnhor
The line connecting an anchor with a vessel
The ratio of the length of the anchor rode to the vertical distance from the bow chocks to the bottom (depth plus height of bow chocks above water).
On smaller vessels the three most common anchor types are
- fluke or patent (Danforth/Fortress type)
- Plow
- Mushroom
Fluke Anchor
These are also known as patent anchors and are all collectively referred to as Fortress and Danforth anchors after their manufacturers, They are the most common anchors used. They are lightweight and have inordinate holding power in mud or sand, but poor holding ability on gravel, coral, rocky, grasses or clay bottoms
Plow anchors do a better job then fluke anchors on a wide variety of bottoms. Sand, pebble, rock, grass and kelp bottoms offer no challenge for a plow. There are many different styles of plow, some with hinged stocks and some with “wings”. The disadvantage is that they are more awkward to stow when not in an anchor roller.
Big mushroom anchors have been the anchors of choice for years for permanent moorings, but only when they’re properly dug in. That often requires hiring a professional service. Mushrooms also work well for small vessels for limited, temporary anchoring.
Chain added with the rode has several advantages:
Lowers the angle of pull (the chain tends to lie on the bottom) Helps to prevent chafing of the line on a coral or rocky bottom Sand has less chance to penetrate strands of the fiber line higher up Sand doesn’t stick to the chain Mud is easily washed off (without the chain, nylon gets very dirty in mud).
In normal weather conditions, the anchor rode should be 5-7 times the depth of the water. In heavy weather, up to 10 times the depth may be necessary.
Make a positive check that the anchor is holding, and not dragging. There are several ways to do this.
f the water is clear enough that you can see the bottom, you can detect any movement easily. If there is a jerk, or a vibration, the anchor is most likely not holding. Monitor bearings taken on at least two landmarks (if available) that are a minimum of 45° apart or use radar ranges and bearings. Small changes usually mean that the wind, tide, or current has caused the vessel to swing around the anchor. If the compass heading is constant, but the bearings change, the anchor is dragging. To prevent dragging, pay out more line. If using a buoyed trip line from the crown of your anchor, apply reverse power to test the anchor’s holding. The float on this line should continue to bob up and down in one spot unaffected by the pull on the anchor rode. Holding power is determined by how well the flukes are set.
When you are ready to weigh anchor and get underway under power, go forward slowly and take in the anchor rode to prevent fouling the screws. Fake the line on the deck as it comes on board. When the anchor line is tending straight up and down, the anchor will usually free itself from the bottom.
If the anchor refuses to break free, snub the anchor line around the forward bitt or cleat and advance the vessel a few feet. Sometimes even this will not free the anchor, and the operator should run in a wide circle, slowly, to change the angle of pull. Take extreme care to ensure the anchor line does not tangle in the screws during this operation.
Trip Line
trip line is a line strong enough to stand the pull of a snagged anchor (a 3/8-inch line is a typical size). Attach the trip line to the crown of the anchor (some anchors have a hole for this purpose). The trip line should be long enough to reach the surface, allowing for tidal changes. Pass the trip line through a float that can be caught with a boathook. If the anchor doesn’t trip in the normal manner, pick up the trip line and haul the anchor up crown first.
On smaller vessels, keep passenger weight centered around the helm position. This is usually near the vessel’s center of gravity. It will make the ride more comfortable and will allow the hull to ride as designed, with more stability, than if weight is in the ends or at the extreme beam.
The up and down motion of the bow (and stern). In small waves at high speeds, pitch can be very small and barely noticed. As seas increase, the bow might rise up when it meets a wave, and fully clear the water. As it comes back down, it immerses to a point on the hull above the designed waterline, sometimes with a heavy slam. Pitch is usually associated with crossing head seas. Reduce pitch by slowing or by taking head seas at more of an angle.
The side to side motion as each side goes up and down. This is associated with beam seas. A round-bottomed vessel will roll even in near-calm conditions. Reduce roll by setting a course that does not have the seas directly on the beam.
The vertical motion the entire vessel makes. Though frequently hidden by combined pitch and roll, it is felt as a vessel encounters large waves or a heavy swell.
Keeping a vessel under control and stable in a following sea can be quite challenging, especially with a breaking sea. If the seas are large enough, there is a risk of having the stern lifted up and forced forward by the onrushing swell or breaker. Surfing down the face of a wave is extremely dangerous and nearly impossible to control. Quite often, surfing will force the vessel to “broach” and capsize or to “pitchpole” end over end. Through proper control, a skilled operator may be able to keep a vessel ahead of breaking seas while maintaining control of both direction and speed.
If you wish to measure distance on a nautical chart, you will use?
Select one:
A. Dividers and the Longitude scale
B. Parallel Rulers and the Longitude scale
C. Use the TVMDC and solve for distance
None of the above
The mooring line which leads at right angles to the keel is called a _____.
Breast line
Green” (color) Aids to Navigation are _____.
Odd numbered
In the GPS system, how many satellites are in orbit?
At any location, at any time, up to how many satellites may be visible to a GPS receiver?
Generally, “Danforth” type anchors need ______ scope because of their greater holding power.