Decisive Flashcards
WRAP process
Widen Your Options
Reality-Test Your Assumptions
Attain Distance Before Deciding
Prepare to be Wrong
Four villains of decision making
- narrow framing- see choices in binary terms- either/or
- confirmation bias- we seek info that supports our belief
- short-term emotion- we lack perspective
- overconfidence about the future
intuitive decisions
quick and accurate but only in domains where one has been carefully trained- to train intuition requires a predictable environmt where you get lots of repetition and quick feedback on choices
How to avoid a narrow frame (3)
Ask what else can we do?- Distrust whether or not decisions
Think about oppty costs
Use vanishing options test
Widen Your Options
1- Avoid a narrow frame
2- Multitrack
3- Find someone who’s solved your problem
- considering several options at once, surfacing other options- even if we decide against it- helps us make better choices
- multitracking keeps ego in check- you don’t get attached to one choice
Reality-test Your Assumptions
1- Consider the opposite- be diligent about how we collect info
2- Zoom out, Zoom in- look for right kinds of info- zoom out for base rates, in for more nuanced impression of reality
3- Ooch- take options for spin before committing
Consider the opposite (3 ways)
- spark constructive disagreement
- devil’s advocate- maybe assign a few people to prepare a case against a proposal
- take each option and ask What would have to be true for this option to be the right answer?
the What Would Have To Be True question (3 points)
take each option, one at a time, and ask this
- Imagine a set of evidence that would persuade us to change our minds- what would that look like?
- What if our least favorite option were actually the best one? What data might convince us of that?
Zoom in, Zoom out
Inside view- our eval of specific situation; outside view- how things generally unfold in situations like ours; outside view is more accurate but most gravitate toward inside
Consult expert?
For base rates, not for predictions
To ooch is to construct small experiments to test one’s hypothesis; best for situations that need more info- NOT for situations that require commitment
Why predict s/t we can test?
Why guess when we can know?
Attain distance before deciding
Overcome short-term emotion
Honor your core priorities
Overcome short term emotion (2 methods)
1- use 10/10/10- think about decisions in mins, mos, years
2- ask, what would I tell my best friend to do?
Factors that create change aversion
Mere exposure principle- people develop preference for familiar thgs
Loss aversion- we find losses more painful than gains are pleasant
Ex. Flip coin- heads u pay me $50, tails I pay u a $100- most people don’t play