Death of a naturalist Flashcards
What is the title a metaphor for?
the loss of Heaney’s childhood innocence
When was the poem published?
Irish poet –> famous for writing about nature, especially farms
He grew up in a farming community
Follows in the footsteps of romantic poets
poem is a vivid memory from childhood
What is the form and structure like in this poem?
Written in iambic pentameter
A lot of childhood imagery is used to convey the youth and innocence of the speaker: ‘Miss Wallis’, ‘mammy frog’, ‘daddy frog’
Poem is split into two halves
What does the first half of the poem refer to?
refers to the speakers naïve youth
What does the second half of the poem refer to?
his experience and knowledge
Key quotations from the first part of the poem
‘All year the flax dam festered in the heart/Of the townland’, ‘rotted’, ‘punishing’
–> ominous tone is created
–> sense of nature at its most unforgiving, however instead of alarming the child he is captivated
‘best of all was the warm thick slobber of frogspawn’
–> conveys the child’s excitement by this superlative phrase
Key quotations from the second part of the poem
‘angry frog/Invaded’
–> mood and atmosphere which was previously calm and relaxed has changed to hostile and threatening
‘poised like mud grenades’
–> comparison to warfare
–> revenge
‘I sickened, turned, and ran’
–> feel the child’s terror
What could the poem be a metaphor for?
The poem could be seen as a metaphor for growing up
Use as a point in a conclusion